Just to share, I once started a 10g with a full 4' two tube utility fixture. 80watts. (It was all I had available. LOL). and (OMG!!!!!!) on 24/7 LOL!!!
After a three weeks or so I had (for the first and only time) green water. And green water so thick I could only see bout an inch into the tank.
Water polishing with a cansiter filter cleared the water in a couple of days then it came back in another 3-4 days.
I reduced the photo period to 14-16 hours and the same thing. I finally moved the fixture so only 1/2 of it was over the tank, and the tank remained clear for two years. When I sold it prior to a move. the people who bought were absolutely amazed at a tank that did not require filtration. LOL
I would hate to think you spent all that $ on high lighting only to find simple inexpensive utility lights would have been better.
But keep us posted. If you get cloudy water after the initial clearing up then try reducing the lighting. But remember, the initial surface scum is commmon and easily cleaned up with top feeding fish like guppies or platties. But be wary of cloudy or green in the water itself.
After a three weeks or so I had (for the first and only time) green water. And green water so thick I could only see bout an inch into the tank.
Water polishing with a cansiter filter cleared the water in a couple of days then it came back in another 3-4 days.
I reduced the photo period to 14-16 hours and the same thing. I finally moved the fixture so only 1/2 of it was over the tank, and the tank remained clear for two years. When I sold it prior to a move. the people who bought were absolutely amazed at a tank that did not require filtration. LOL
I would hate to think you spent all that $ on high lighting only to find simple inexpensive utility lights would have been better.
But keep us posted. If you get cloudy water after the initial clearing up then try reducing the lighting. But remember, the initial surface scum is commmon and easily cleaned up with top feeding fish like guppies or platties. But be wary of cloudy or green in the water itself.