many fw tanks go through a bacterial bloom during the initial run in phase, usually turning the water cloudy grey, sometimes being so 'bad' the water can get to where it looks like skim milk
let it run it's course-once the bacteria finish feeding off of whatever organics are feeding them, the bloom will crash
typically the bloom slowly gets worse, and then crashes over nite, w/no previous indication it's done
it can take awhile to run the course though-adding some munge from an established fw filter (squeeze out some old yucky floss from a running filter) usually speeds up the clearing process greatly
8 hrs of good light is all you need-the rest is just extra revenue for the elec. co. :wink:
let it run it's course-once the bacteria finish feeding off of whatever organics are feeding them, the bloom will crash
typically the bloom slowly gets worse, and then crashes over nite, w/no previous indication it's done
it can take awhile to run the course though-adding some munge from an established fw filter (squeeze out some old yucky floss from a running filter) usually speeds up the clearing process greatly
8 hrs of good light is all you need-the rest is just extra revenue for the elec. co. :wink: