Anybody heard of fish (specifically freshwater angel fish) being scared of a tank ornament? Late this afternoon we placed a large piece of drift wood in our 25 Gal tank. We noticed this evening the two fish glued on the opposite side of the tank from the drift wood- so much so, they ignored flakes of food placed deliberately on the 'bad side'. They definatly noticed the food- and we've never seen these fish pass up food before.
Anybody heard of fish (specifically freshwater angel fish) being scared of a tank ornament? Late this afternoon we placed a large piece of drift wood in our 25 Gal tank. We noticed this evening the two fish glued on the opposite side of the tank from the drift wood- so much so, they ignored flakes of food placed deliberately on the 'bad side'. They definatly noticed the food- and we've never seen these fish pass up food before.