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Would a 10 gal setup do for breeding neon 'tetrates'?
Anyone experienced in them?

How accurate is 'aquazone' compared to the reality?


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10g tanks are popular for breeding live bearing species as well as egg in my experiences managing a local pet store. I've never heard of anyone being successful in that particular breed. I assume you mean the blue and red neons (Paracheirodon Simulans) and not cardinals, black neons, headlight tailight or orange.

I set up a tank, that I still have up and running, for my headboard that was going to be a completely planted tank with smaller fish. The tank ended up being planted with a large piece of bog wood, 88 neons of different species and a large blood parrot. I've had it up for about 3 years now, the neons themselves have been breeding for about 2 and the parrot tripled in size to about 6".

I didn't do anything special just let them do their thing and kept the water nice. I'm pretty sure there is a section in Dr. Axelrod's Atlas of freshwater aquarium fishes that was dedicated to this subject.


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Yeah my bad..P. Simulans is the "false neon" and P. Innesi is the neon tetra.

In my book the pictures are next to eachother and I dont really see a difference but the caption proves it.


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neons aren't as difficult as some would have you believe there are many folks bredeing them nowadays

one of the key triggers for spawning is a small temperature drop, followed by a warming of the tank, via a water change, to simulate the results of a large rainfall in the waters they're found in, which triggers spawning season in the wild.

raising the fry is the harder part :wink:


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What kind of yield can you expect from a breeding, and how many fry generally reach adulthood?

Next - how to breed black-line Hatchetfish?

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