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Garden city
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So just figured that I'd share with u guys how adding a hob filter has helped my reef in a few ways

First off I find reactors a gigantic pita to clean and change leading me to not change as often as I'd like with the hob I find much easier to swap out the media therefore it actually gets done every week

It's also added a turbulent flow from the top of the tank for the corals under it they r all happy and extended

And the best for me is my ph seems to be much more stable and not too low as it used to be

Downside is it is an eyesore but I'm very happy I added it


Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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It's a 75 gal with 2 compartments I run carbon in a bag in one and phosban in a bag for other also use the blue filter material it does good job of collecting crap and I change it every 3 or 4 days no more cleaning filter socks another thing I found to be a pita

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Just some things that I picked up on with the HOB filter and wanted to share.

Your not efficiently using your media by having it in a bag. I can see if its your only option on one of those AIO nano tanks but for something with a sump and area to keep reactors in your just throwing money away on carbon and phosban. Better to not use it IMO. You should be swapping out media in a reactor once a month. It takes me about 15 mins to change media in my reactors which is nothing once a month. I bring it to the sink, empty, wash out the sponges and reactor, refill and flush when I hook it back up to the tank.

Also, as long as your doing weekly water changes and have a low/medium bioload you won't have to really need the phosban for your Po4. The carbon you also don't really need but it helps polish the water and take away that reef tank smell. There are plenty of very successful tanks without both media's that make up for it with other maintenance procedures. I would run it anyway but its always good info to know.

Your PH and coral happiness is because you increased the oxygen in your tank and added more flow. The same could have been accomplished if you pointed a powerhead closer to the surface or even added another PH.

You also don't really need a filter sock or sponge filter but it helps if you keep ontop of it. There are two main reasons people are using a filter sock or some type of filter in the sump or before it hits the sump. One is to reduce floating particles in the water and the other is to reduce the amount of accumulated detritus and waste in the sump area. The HOB filter is going to help with reducing it but having a filter sock or sponge at the drain line is just more efficient and prevents that settlement in your sump area.

The HOB is a great alternative to running a filter sock though.


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just some things that i picked up on with the hob filter and wanted to share.

Your not efficiently using your media by having it in a bag. I can see if its your only option on one of those aio nano tanks but for something with a sump and area to keep reactors in your just throwing money away on .......................



Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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I agree with some the things ur saying but not all the hob has made ph higher I have used a power head close to surface didn't see as big a result .
Also I live in a 1 bed room apt 2 sinks kitchen and bathroom cleaning those reactors in the kitchen sink makes a huge mess I relize running through a bag not as efficient but it is working very well for me. My sump is packed to the gills with equipment because it's only 15 gal came with the tank obviously if I had a nice big sump plumbed into my basement that had a slop sink then adding a hob would be kinda dumb but in my situation it has helped my tank and until I get a house and a fish room I'll use it.


Experienced Reefer
Miami, FL
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I added three aquaclears last month. Like Matt, I was tired of taking apart the reactors. Much easier on the corals when you go a long time between changing medias when you run them passively in a mesh bag. The Aquaclears have excellent flow-though design.
Great Neck
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HOB's can be those unassuming, little things many overlook.

Back when I was running a Zeovit system, I used a HOB filter for my Zeo stones, and placed this off the side of my sump. It was a breeze to stir up the rocks.

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