oh boy, you guys are bad influences....here I am trying to write a 10 page paper due 2 days ago. Between looking at MR forums on the computer on my left and my 6.6g tank on my right....I've completed 2 pages in the last 6 hours....I'm hungry now.
froggiebunbun said:oh boy, you guys are bad influences....here I am trying to write a 10 page paper due 2 days ago. Between looking at MR forums on the computer on my left and my 6.6g tank on my right....I've completed 2 pages in the last 6 hours....I'm hungry now.
alrha said:how come i never got this button?
Agreed, DAMN I HATED CALCULUS.alrha said:i cant even imagine how i mde it through school. i feel like now i would have no patience for all those subjects i hated (like english)
solbby said:Agreed, DAMN I HATED CALCULUS.
Don't even get me started on Physical Chemistry and Linear Algerbra, or Diff Equ.!!! It gives me the chills just thinking about it.