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Los Angeles
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OK. So I joined this forum and I can't access anything. I have a buddy who sent me a friend request and I haven't been able to access his invitation. When I click on the friend request link, it forwards me to another page which is blank. I can't even change my password. I have clicked on the forgot password link several times to see if there are any changes. I'm using Firefox and have tried Safari as well. I'm on a Mac. Can anyone help me out? I'm ready to bail out before even getting to know the site.:help:


Advanced Reefer
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It may also be because you only have 3 posts, i think it takes a few before you can access certain areas. Its most likley to help prevent spam.

Actually good point newfi, that's probably what it is.

Ethan try getting your post count up to 10- then see if things change. But words of advice don't just go around writing stupid stuff like some have done in the past lol?.Good luck
Los Angeles
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It can't be because I only have 3 posts. I'm trying to access my friend request invite for crying out loud. I'm a member of 2 other forums that use pretty much the same engine or programming and I have never had a problem. I can't even access my profile. How lame is that?


Advanced Reefer
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mf site

iv been having trouble with mr web site myself.i tried contacting them 5 or 6 times,no response.im wondering if anyone is having same problem.when i bring site up it comes up then goes blank,i have to do it 3 times,then it stays up until i change page then goes blank .i also have a mac.it does the same thing on my daughters mac.any solutions

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