the pics you are showing are completely cosmetic, the glass that's not polished is the euro brace top piece, maybe if you wanted it polished you should have discussed it with them prior to signing off on the build. Your tank looks euro braced not rimless, if it was a true rimless finished like that then I could see having a problem, but to me that looks euro braced.
What is the quality of the silicone seams inside the aquarium? Are all the visible edges of the tank polished? C2C is pretty thorough as to the standards and specs you want your tank built to, I think this problem might be a little more consumer error and lack of communication before the build was approved.
I have been around aquariums for many years, seen tons of different builds, C2C builds one of the best as long as you tell them exactly what you need/want and don't signs off on it till your on the same page.