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Green Reefer
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Hello All,
I broke down my reef tank 4 years ago and I have been fighting an itch to get back in ever since. Now I've decided to scratch that itch and set up a new 120 gallon tank.

First up, I have (2) 20 gallon plastic trash bins filled with now dead, live rock and I need some help bringing them back to life. They were left in salt water covered without circulation. Can someone please recommend a reference to get it done.

Thanks in advance for your help and I will post updates as the tank progresses.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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From a quick click on MR's "search":

cooking is a way to "rejuvenate" live rock. pushing out all the crap that is clogging up the pores of the rock and making it a nutrient trap. it will also completely kill any sort of life that is on or in the rock.

if you just turn off the lights, you will cause your rock to recycle in your tank as all the photosynthetic stuff dies, and yes it will probably stink as all the organic matter dies and decays. it will probably kill the aptasia if you leave the lights out long enough, but i wouldn't guarantee it. on the other hand, you will probably not kill off all the critters that are non-photosynthetic.

anyway, what kind of algae do you want to kill and how bad is the aptasia problem? these are both nutrient related issues, so even if you bleached the rock, you will probably face this problem again in the future unless you figure out why you are having high nutrients in the water.

as for teh aptasia, have you tried joes juice or some kalk paste? it will be a lot easier than cooking or recuring the rock.

Wishing you much success on your new reefing venture.:)


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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The rocks sat in complete darkness in salt water. Is it possible they are already cooked? Meaning I can rinse them in fresh salt water and begin using?

Only way to tell would be for you to run some test with good test kits, and see what the result are.
Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates
You don't say if you had circulation, heater in with the rocks. You could be working with just dead rock with a lot of gunk in it.

Did you read the links I posted?


Advanced Reefer
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I would definetely cook and cure the rock to minimize as much problems as you can:
This is from a guy on RC that i've read allot about.

Equipment needed.
1. Dedication.
2. Tubs to cook rock in. And an equal amount of tubs to hold the rock during waterchanges.
3. A few powerheads.
4. Plenty of buckets.
5. A smug feeling of superiority that you are taking it to "the next level."

Here are the steps, if you have any questions I will try my best to answer them. What I don't know I am sure Bomber can/will instruct.

1. Get into your head and accept the fact you will be making lots of salt water if you aren't lucky enough to have access to filtered NSW.
2. Explain to significant other what is going on so they don't flip out. This process can take up to 2 months. Prepare them in advance so he/she can mark it on the calendar and that they won't nag about it until that date arrives.

3. Setup a tub(s) where the rock is to be cooked. Garages are great for this.
4. Make up enough water to fill tub(s) about halfway and around 5-7 buckets about 60% full.
5. Remove all the rock you want to cook at this stage. (The rock can be removed piece by piece until you are done.) I suggest shutting off the circulation beforehand to minimize dust storms.
6. Take the first piece of rock and dunk it, swish it, very, very well in the first bucket. Then do it again in the 2nd bucket, then the third.
7. Place rock in the tub.
8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 to every piece of rock you want to cook at this time. The reason I suggested 5-7 buckets of water will be evident quickly...as the water quickly turnsq brown.

9. Place powerhead(s) in the tub and plug in. Position at least one powerhead so that it agitates the surface of the water pretty well. This is to keep the water oxygenated. You can use an air pump for additional oxygenation if you wish.
9. Cover the tub. Remember, we want total darkness.
10. Empty out buckets, restart circulation on main tank.
11. Wait.
12. During the first couple of weeks it is recommended to do a swishing and dunking of the rocks twice a week.
What this entails is to make up enough water to fill up those buckets and the tub the rock is in.
First, lay out your empty tub(s) and fill buckets the same as before.
Then, uncover tub with the rock in it. Take a rock and swish it in the tub it's in to knock any easy to get off junk.
Then, swish it thru the 3 buckets again, and place in the empty tub..
Repeat for all your rocks.
Then empty the tub that all the rocks were cooking in, take it outside and rinse it out with a hose.
Place tub back where it was, fill with new saltwater, add rocks and powerheads, and cover.
Wait again unti the next water change.
You will be utterly amazed at how much sand, silt, detrius is at the bottom of the tub and every bucket. It is amazing.

How it works:

Some FAQ's.
When re-introducing the rock to my tank, a month or two from now, should I do that in parts to help minimize any cycling effect(s)...if there are any?
I never have. Really after a very short while, the ammonium cycle has been extablished. That's not what you're worry about though, it's the stored phosphates and that you have to wait it out.
When they are producing very little detritus - you'll know - then I would use them all at once.

Would running Carbon filtration and/or a PO4 reducing media help/hurry/hinder the process?
I wouldn't fool with it. You don't want the detritus to sit there long enough to rot, release water soluble P again. You want to take it out while it's still locked up in that bacterial detritus.

I hope this helps you out.
It really is a "miracle" and a low cost one at that.
The only monies spent are for salt and electricity for the powerheads which are nominal. Especially to rid yourself of Bryopsis.
Time and effort is all it akes. And really not that much effort.
I would say that 85% of my exposed rock had Bryopsis (hair algae) covering it.
There isn't a single visible strand on andy rocks in the tubs now.
Remember, the key is patience. Let this process run its course.

And a few last minute tidbits I remembered.
Your coralline will die back, receed etc.
My thoughts on this are GREAT!
Now my rock is more porous for additional pods, mysids, worms etc.
Coralline will grow back.
Throughout this process the sponges, and pods on my rock have not died off.
Everytime I do a waterchange they are there and plentiful.

If you have any questions please ask.

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