Raising the temp is only practical in a FW setup. I've never had to deal with ich in a saltwater tank but, raising the temp will need to be done over a few days for a few days. IMO it will put your livestock at risk. From what I have heard, anything over 84F for any length of time is very dangerous to the health of your livestock.I have a couple of tang, anemones, crabs, shrimps, and snails and I have ich, will raising the temperture to 86 degrees kill any of them?
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I used this when my purple tang had really bad ich and it was gone in four days. You HAVE to monitor ph it can drop after treatment. I was lucky and my ph never dropped and ich went away really fast and haven't seen it in more than 3 years. It is reef safe even though some weren't happy everything was ok.
This is basically a bunch of herbs and spices that speeds up their slime coat. Good luck and when they are healthy I would sell 3 of them 2 tangs in a 75 is more ideal if they are small.
I dealt with ich a lot last year.
Years ago I use to fight it naturally but it did not come without regular loses.
Last year, I decided to try copper and did not have any loses.
You could try higher temp and other natural means but if the fish is/are already weak you may lose them with natural methods and its hard to tell sometimes if the fish is already weak.
10 gallon tank, cupramine, small filter and heater and ich is gone.
I treat fish as I see them get sick, never had to remove all fish and it has not spread to others once I remove the affected fish, I do enjoy viewing the tank daily so I can tell when a fish is off.
So you really don't know which did the trick!Also I forgot to mention after using the stop parasites my cleaner shrimp was picking parasites off his body like crazy.