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So my clownfish have been acting a little funny, and I have discovered EGGS! I saw something that looked strange attached to the underside of a rock tunnel near an anemone. I'd take a picture but can't with the angle.

So Please tell me- What do I do? I have two tanks. a 50g (that they are in) and a 29g biocube. The true perculas are in the 50 which has a blue dot puffer, a snowflake eel, crabs snails etc.

the biocube has a pair of maroon clownfish and a mandarin. Should I try to swap the clownfish from one tank to the other? turn off the filter and just run the protein skimmer?

I would love to try and hatch these eggs and have no idea what to do to keep them from getting sucked out once hatched or how to prevent them from being eaten by others.

I also have an 8g biocube like tank in my basement, and an old 40g that I used with freshwater fish.

Please help! Any links would be amazing and advice on this situation would be incredible!


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Ahh, No!!!! This is not what I wanted to hear!!!

Would they stand a better chance if I swapped the clownfish tanks? also, ive been reading and searching the site, where do i get rotifers? Or how can I set things up so when they have more eggs they stand a chance?


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www.mofib.org has plenty of information. Clownfishes by Joyce Wilkerson is an excellent resource, paper print has been stopped but you can buy a Kindle version for $12-$13.

You'll need a LOT of time and some energy, but it's a lot of fun.


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Oh boy! They hatched! I set upappreciated!hasn't been used in a long time so I'm definitely concerned about that. I took some of the fry and put them in there by transferring in a bowl. I'm going to go to the LFS and see if they have the green rotifer bags I saw online. I used the water from the tank they came from so we'll see. I moved a live rock over too just in case there is something edible on it. I'm figuring that many will be food but mayve i'll have some kind of amazing luck and a couple will mature. I'm excited to try. :)

Any links or advice is always appreciated


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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I just ordered brine shrimp eggs from this site www.brineshrimpdirect.com. They have supplies and instructions for rotifers. I've never ordered anything from them before and I don't recall who told me about them. My clownfish recently laid eggs too, so i've started reading about hatching them. I don't know if I'll actually try it, but it's still interesting to learn about.

felix tesler

Experienced Reefer
staten island
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gray it is a full time job taking care of fry its probably just as hard as taking care of a human baby you have to be home all the time to watch and feed unless you can devote 3 months of your life to living untill they mature at home then dont do it


in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
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Slow down.

You need to be prepared to raise them, and you need a bunch of stuff.

First you should place a nice smooth tile right where they laid them the first time and glue it in place. Let them check it out and hopefully in a week or two they will lay the eggs there again. If they do that, take note of the day they did it and then note the day that they eggs were gone. That incubation period will not change, so the next time you see them lay eggs you will know exactly what night they are going to hatch so you can take the tile out and put it into a small tank with an air bubbler.

You should also look into a rotifer kit from Reef Nutrition. You really cannot raise clowns with brine shrimp. When they are big enough to eat the shrimp you need DECAPSULATED brine eggs.

When you order from RN get the APBreed graduated food kit which has everything else you will need to feed them.

Read up a lot on it and it will take a few times for you to get everything just right. It is a lot of work and a major pain, but a very rewarding experience!


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I can't believe I found the eggs and they hatched the day I found them. Definitely no time to plan ahead! This morning, the ones left in the larger tank are gone but the ones I moved are still swimming around.

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