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A while back I had a ball anemone pop up and didn't get much info about them. what info I did find was mixed. About a week ago after a few Zoa and a candy cane died off out of the blue I looked around and I have about 6 or more of these things and every morning I look around before the lights come on I notice more. I blamed a emerald crab for the die off but now I want the ball anemone gone. Any help on how to go about this would be great.


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Bed I could get with iPhone


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I have a lot of them in my tank as well. They are Ball Anemones. Mine are not near any coral though. They mostly hide in crevices until its dark. The good news is that they dont really move around....they are pretty stationary. I also did a lot of research on them, and there isnt much. I think they are not photosynthetic, or at least they get a small amount of their nutrition from zooxenthellae. They seem to hang out in the caves and darker areas of my tank and probably eat detritus or whatever else they can get. I have read they are safe with fish because they only get to at max 2".


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I was wondering....do you think a copperband or a peppermint shrimp would eat them? I have been contemplating getting one.


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Most of them are open all the time because they are in spots inside my rock that do not get any light. The one that is on my tequila sunrise frag stays closed most of the day till the lights go out. Then it opens to about a inch from tentacle to tentacle. I ordered some fragging stuff today. When it gets here i am going to cut the one off of the frag and start to pull rock and burn the rest off. The rock i can't pull i will go Kalk the joes juice is getting mixed results . I plan on a upgrade after the new year and do not want to start with them in the tank. let me know what you use and how it works and i will do the same.


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I had emailed KPaquatics, aka sealifeinc and Kara replied with this:

The Berghia Nudibranch, may eat it. I don't really know 100% as we do not
collect or sell that species of anemone. If it is anything like the
Aiptaisia, I know that both the peppermints and the Berghia Nudibranch will
eat it. We do carry the Berghia Nudibranch and peppermint shrimp if you are
interested. I don't think either is listed right now, so just let me know if
you want some and I will be sure that we have them.

I wanted to get a few shrimp anyway, and Ill also get the nudibranch...Ill keep you informed.


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I shot one of mine with some lemon juice. It hasn't opened up since, but that was only 2 or 3 days ago.

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