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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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its in the first post. read carefully. there is a paypal link. only, If only you are bringing a guest put a number in the box. if just yourself then dont put any number in the white box.

good luck and hope too see you all there tomorrow.!

Paul B

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I just got home and had a great time (like I did last year) Many people looked familiar but since I have such a bad memory for faces and names (along with most other things) I didn't make eye contact with anyone. If anyone looked me in the face, I tied my shoe, or blew my nose. (I still don't make eye contact with my wife even though we have been married for 41 years as I forget her name) But "Whats her Name" is glad I had a good time. I bought one gorgonian (because it is one of the few corals that I can remember it's name) On my way home I had to pick up Clark, Harriet, or June (my wife) in Manhattan then drive to Long Island and it was cold so when I got home I carefully took a screwdriver and chopped the gorg out of the ice and placed it in my tank where my fireclown immediately tried to up root the thing. So I took a picture before he pulls it up and drops it in the nether regions of the tank in the back.
I also met my friend KatcyC there who I see once a year. I like to see her because I can also remember her name. Probably because she has a boat.



Tunicate Tamer
Brooklyn, NY
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Nice buy Paul! I'm still here, sipping on coffee from the student union. I'm trying to figure out how many tickets to put in your feeder and or mojano wand. :) I'm also not get enough reception to play my pandora station so a bit miffed at that.

But am enjoying myself overall. Met up with a lot of friends I dont see very often, and definitely averting my eyes when I think I should remember someone but just dont. Tsk tsk


Advanced Reefer
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I hope everyone made it home safe and are transferring all the goodies purchased/swapped/won to your tanks.

Paul thanks so much for having lunch with me. Great conversation. Great insight.


Advanced Reefer
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Can someone identify the free frags my son got from the fragging demonstration? There's a green branch and a thicker green piece, both sps. I just want to get an idea on their requirements. Right now they're looking good under the lights with a decent amount of flow.
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