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I have a 120g Oceanic RR and I am interested in adding a Tunze wavebox. Can anyone who has had experiences with this share them with me? I would be interested in hearing the pros and cons as well as what I should watch out for. Thank you!

Reef Junkie

Reef Geek Extraordinaire
Long Island
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My bud has one on his 120 reef. The box move all of the water in the tank.
Price tag is steep, but you won't need anything else to move water. Nor will anything else move as much water.


Fish and Coral Killer
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I used a wave box for almost two years now, it is great!!

However, the wave height on a 4 foot tank will not be as high as one in a longer tank, the timer does not tune down enough for four foot tanks and the rock work cuts down its effect too. You will still need other means of "circulation" in the tank, another Tunze Stream or two on a muti-controller will be great.


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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i heard stories of waveboxes eventually weakening the integrity of tank seals. Whether it is true or not, i will never use one on a glass tank.

EDIT: yeah i just found this in the Tunze forum from Rvitco, the tunze usa rep.

Yes, it reduces the life of the tank by 10-15%. It should never be used on an old or poorly made tank. Within reason, if you bought a new name brand aquarium it should last longer than you will likely keep it even with the wavebox. The danger is in buying a homemade tank from a garage sale or a tank that is old and has been drained and filled and moved a few times, that stresses the seams a lot and it doesn't take much more to breach them.

too scary for me to to try on a glass tank
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Fish and Coral Killer
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Can I use one in a 90G ? How low does your water level in the tank have to be ?


I am sure you can, but the effect will not be great.. And the box maybe a bit big for a 90G. I have dual overflows and I maintain the water level as it was without a wavebox, water continues to drain at each peak wave motion from the overflow boxes.


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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So you would use it on a acrylic tank?

Well i would probably not get an acrylic tank unless i went really big...And that would probably be too big for a wavebox to work properly.

But theoretically, yes i would use one on an acrylic tank before i would use one w/ glass.


Fish and Coral Killer
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Well i would probably not get an acrylic tank unless i went really big...And that would probably be too big for a wavebox to work properly.

But theoretically, yes i would use one on an acrylic tank before i would use one w/ glass.

Structurally speaking, acrylic and its seams does not handle wave motions any better than glass. In fact, typical acrylic fish tank bows even without a wave box.. before you type your rebuttal, yes, I have owned (multiple) glass and acrylic tanks:lol2:.

The wave box will handle most "hobbyist" tanks and you can have multiple extensions to increase its effect, I know this because I read the owner's manual.
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Beechurst NY
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I have a wavebox on my 62" 125 gallon and love it...
i can get a 3" wave on the extreme side..
A center overflow is perfered... I have a center flow and i can see how thats important.


Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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Structurally speaking, acrylic and its seams does not handle wave motions any better than glass. In fact, typical acrylic fish tank bows even without a wave box.. before you type your rebuttal, yes, I have owned (multiple) glass and acrylic tanks:lol2:.

The wave box will handle most "hobbyist" tanks and you can have multiple extensions to increase its effect, I know this because I read the owner's manual.

i would not us an acrylic fish tank that bows at all. that is not "typical" in my opinion, as i would not own one that does.

Tunze reps will tell you straight up that waveboxes will decrease the life of tank seals, and acrylic tanks hold up better. Call them up and ask yourself. It's not my experience, i was just relaying info from the horses mouth.

if the waveboxes can work in a 72" x 48" tank then i might look into them on my next setup. I assumed they might not work that well w/ that wide of an aquarium.

I would be interested in hearing the pros and cons as well as what I should watch out for. Thank you!
He asked for pros and cons, so i stated a big con that the Tunze will tell you themself.
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Fish and Coral Killer
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i would not us an acrylic fish tank that bows at all. that is not "typical" in my opinion, as i would not own one that does. .

How many acrylic tank have you owned?? Or seen in person? Most, if not all "stock" acrylic tanks bow over time.

Tunze reps will tell you straight up that waveboxes will decrease the life of tank seals, and acrylic tanks hold up better. Call them up and ask yourself. It's not my experience, i was just relaying info from the horses mouth.

Regurgitation?? :irked: I have talked to Roger on a few occasions, I suggest you should too.

if the waveboxes can work in a 72" x 48" tank then i might look into them on my next setup. I assumed they might not work that well w/ that wide of an aquarium..
Don't assume, you should call Roger and get it from the "horse's mouth"

He asked for pros and cons, so i stated a big con that the Tunze will tell you themself.

I think he started the sentence asking people to share their "experience".
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Advanced Reefer
Raleigh, NC
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How many acrylic tank have you owned?? Or seen in person? Most, if not all "stock" acrylic tanks bow over time.

Regurgitation?? :irked: I have talked to Roger on a few occasions, I suggest you should too.

Don't assume, you should call Roger and get it from the "horse's mouth"

I think he started the sentence asking people to share their "experience".

i too have spoken to Roger on a few occasions, which is why i did not buy a wavebox for my current tank and would never use a wavebox on a glass tank period.

No i do not own an acrylic tank yet...But have been speaking to Envisions via email on the issue of building an acrylic tank that will not bow.

I have seen Roger speak on several instances that the waveboxes might not work to well on wide tanks. But I have not spoken to him about flow options on my next project...Don't worry I will get it from the "horses mouth" when that time comes.

Explain to me what i said that was nonsense...The fact that waveboxes WILL reduce the life of a glass tank? Or the fact that a well built acrylic tank will hold up better? Or the fact that an acrylic tank can be built that won't bow?

You don't know me as I don't know you. So don't be so quick to judge my experience or research. He asked what cons to look out for and I pointed out a con that was not mentioned. To me potentially losing 125 gallons on the living room floor is a pretty big con. You really know how to make a guy feel welcome...
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