I mentioned gut bacteria or beneficial bacteria only because it is "measurable" perhaps. there is the obvious outwardly observations: fish look healthy, great coloration, no diseases, breeding, etc.
It is absolutely not a pressing matter

, but simply an interesting topic for me. Most " non sale" topics I find interesting and is what I enjoy the most about MR when they pop up. I just happened to have picked on food related type posts recently. This is what MR gets when they leave a message at the top suggesting I post a topic since I haven't in a while

However you are a very,very seasoned hobbyist

Take this MR experience from my perspective. I am new hobbyist, someones mentions MR as a great place for info, I jump on and now ....... confusion! Even from something as simple as feeding my fish
I read Paul B's posts, great guy and hobbyist and now I am ready to feed blackworms everyday, 3x a day and I will have very healthy fish with the prospect of seeing off the chart breeding behavior, so cool! But hold on, not so fast! Now I read Dr. Hirsh's posts and now I am searching for the best possible fish roe because seemingly in could make Paul B's feeding of blackworms seems likes child's play. But wait a minute, not so fast....
Seems like there is great success with all high quality pellets and my clowns can be breeding like rabbits! Ah so much easier......nope, not that easy....
Really potentially the best method is to use a variety of food just like the public aquariums....just wish what I new what that variety consisted of...more research! But maybe if they all switched to blackworms........just a thought
All observational and not a shred of scientific anything it seems. Ok we plunk a few grand to enjoy the hobby and we are experimenting as to what we feed our fish.....ok got it, thats part of the fun of the hobby sorting out mass confusion and deciding what works best for ourselves.
As far as the expense of research for the hobby, I guess I have no choice but to patiently wait for NASA to send some clownfish into space. I really did not think feeding a few fish separately in separate tanks the same meals every day for a few months and sending the poor buggers to a lab for stomach analysis required a gazillion $ but what do I know!
Thanks for listening and all the responses! All in good fun!