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    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 11-20

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • 21-30

    Votes: 15 18.5%
  • 31-40

    Votes: 25 30.9%
  • 41-50

    Votes: 23 28.4%
  • 51-60

    Votes: 7 8.6%
  • 61-70

    Votes: 6 7.4%
  • 71-80

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • 81-90

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 91+

    Votes: 2 2.5%

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  • Poll closed .


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
Rating - 100%
215   0   0
I've been wondering for a while what the make up of this hobby looks like, and what better way to get this info than from polls?

This is an easy one to answer. If more people are data nuts like me, maybe I can set up a few different polls and then post some charts/graphs/tables of my results.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
Rating - 100%
215   0   0
Feel free to post some info as well about when you started in the hobby, how old you were then. Maybe aome crazy memories you have of the hobby from back in the day.

I set up my 1st salt water tank in 2004 at the age of 13. Jumped right into a full reef system. First light i had on my tank was an orbit marine 4x65watt pc fixture. Only had that for about a year until i purchased a T. Crocea and was told my light was far from sufficient. Also had a nice over sized wet/dry because those were in back when i started.


Advanced Reefer
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29   0   0
I'm fifty. Been in the hobby since mid 80's, when under gravel filters was the thing to have. Have taken a few years off here and there. I see huge progress over the last decade. Good time to be in the hobby


Experienced Reefer
Staten Island
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0   0   0
Hey all! I am 40. Ive been trolling around here since....crap. Auto topoffs were a new thing. My old account got lost so it looks as though I'm new. In all actuality I kind of am. I was a do it yourself'r for the most part. But I had one bad *** nano tank in the day. 5g with a hqi light and a custom fuge built behind it. I had sps lps and softies and a baby crocea clam and I loved it. Anyway it sprung a leak and I got out of the hobby as work was real busy.

Now I have a 50G cube and sump with all the extras and I can't get it right. I'm actually going to downsize and try to recreate what I had years ago. Hopefully I can get it going.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
Rating - 100%
215   0   0
Hey all! I am 40. Ive been trolling around here since....crap. Auto topoffs were a new thing. My old account got lost so it looks as though I'm new. In all actuality I kind of am. I was a do it yourself'r for the most part. But I had one bad *** nano tank in the day. 5g with a hqi light and a custom fuge built behind it. I had sps lps and softies and a baby crocea clam and I loved it. Anyway it sprung a leak and I got out of the hobby as work was real busy.

Now I have a 50G cube and sump with all the extras and I can't get it right. I'm actually going to downsize and try to recreate what I had years ago. Hopefully I can get it going.

Where in staten island are you? What sort of issues are you having with the tank now? Ask questions, we are all here to help.


Advanced Reefer
Stamford, CT
Rating - 100%
59   0   0
I just turned 30 last month been doing this for 2 years now I wish I started like 10 yrs ago. I was very intimidated and had no one to help me and didn't know these reef forums existed at the time but I'm glad i jumped in with the help of a experienced friend. Now I'm addicted and my wife tells me I need help


Advanced Reefer
Rating - 100%
54   0   0
I am 63 years old. Started my first fish only saltwater tank in the late 80's. Wet dry with bioballs, no skimmer and metal halides. Kept that for 10 years.
Purchased my house on SI in 1994. I set up a 180 gallon SPS reef. Current 3 400 watt metal halides with ice cap t5 actinic bulbs, closed loop with 2 sea swirls, wet dry with bioballs, MTC HSA 1000 skimmer amd MTC ProCal calcium reactor. Added a conspic angel and black tang. Kept set up for 5 years. Then I started traveling so I sold everything. Got into African cichlids 5 years ago, kept various groups of tropheus, red bulu petrochromis, and featherfins. I had 7 tanks of African cichlids at one time. Converted to saltwater 2 years ago and here I am. I have a 125 gallon SPS reef, ATI T5 fixture with reefbrite LEDs, Buuble king mini 160 skimmer, chiller, MTC Procal, Apex, 40 gallon refugium.
staten island
Rating - 0%
0   0   0
Where in staten island are you? What sort of issues are you having with the tank now? Ask questions, we are all here to help.
I am in oak wood. Problems are mostly that even though my tests kits say everything is good. I get zero growth on corals and cyano keeps growing on sand no matter how much I suck it up. Things have improved since I added some chemipure blue a month ago.

I will be selling off everything I don't use soon. I just picked up a nuvo 8 to put my clown and cardinal in and my anemones and CUC. I plan on only keeping a couple pieces of rock and adding completely new sand to it and start out fresh. I am moving in April and don't want to deal with trying to move a 50g tank and sump. Much easier with 8g tank.

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