What is the best refractometer to get and what shoud I expect to pay for it? What range will ot read I wanted to use it on my pond I keep a low level salt range in it? are they sold in ranges? Are they hard to use???
Check Out Tony from Reef Exotics (MR VENDOR) http://www.reefexotics.com He brought a buch of nice ones to the LIRA meeting this weekend, He out in Nassau County so you can pick it up locally or have it shipped for a small price. He has a sale on the better ones now ($39.99) http://www.reefexotics.com/misc.htm
Most have automatic temp compensation and you have to hold them up to a light source to read them.
The more expensive ones have there own light source built in. and the plastic flap that compresses the water on the lens is more sturdier.
They as really simple to read and use. I would go with the less inexpensive ones mine cost about $40 or so.
Save your money and get one without a light... unless you plan on checking your salinity in a closet, the light is a cute $80 feature. Holding it up near my tank gives me plenty of light.