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Wassup guys wow do i miss nyc especially that nyc water and deals on corals and fish. My tanks are all set up down here got my 175 reverse bow front and my 50 cube.I lost alot of corals during the move and sold almost all my fish the fish i tried to bring died on me that included 2 purple tangs 2 bali picassos a coral beauty and yellow tang.I am getting things back to normal got like 13 tangs now lol and a few other fish but my tanks 90 percent tangs lol. Just wanna say i miss a lot of my reefer buddies. I am attaching a video of a invention i made that might help ya out to do water changes i love it and very cheap to make maybe like 6 bucks the other is a update on my tank before the water change so you guys can see how its looking.


this ones a update of the tank check out how i mounted the radions

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1 good thing is i finally found a cheap spot like the reef shoppe down here its in ft myers called joes fish prices arent that bad, but i still feel that in nyc the fish are cheaper as weird as that may sound.
Rating - 98.1%
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bro hurricane was my first and horrible had me thinking lol. my wife and daughter went to stay in a resort in orlando and i stood with my oldest at home to keep dog and fish alive lol. The hurricane wasn't bad they build the houses on little hills down her cuz it rains a lot i had a river in front of my house lol but luckily its raised like 5 feet from street and water came up like 3 feet. to keep the corals and fish alive i took my girls car battery and hooked up a 750 watt inverter to it and ran my jebao wave maker and 1 radion on it, i would run that for like 30 minutes every 2 hours when awake and keep a battery powered bubbler on everything else always on. I lost power for 4.5 days and kept everything alive doing research now on deep cell batt and solar panels lol.

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