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Hey, something has been bothering me for a while and I want to put it out there. All my zoas? lashes/skirts extend/straighten out/get longer in my tank. In most zoas pics I see on the net etc they?re always plump and short which seems to be the ?normal? way. Any idea why that happens? Am I doing something wrong? Does flow, lighting, parameters cause that? I?m kind of tired of it lol. They?re growing just fine and colors seem to be good, except for my rainbow sakuras which dull out. Just want to get this stuff right! Thanks
Queens, NY
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The tentacles are extending to capture food, or there is slower current, allowing it to catch food better. It would be like a bubble tipped anemone, bubbly under high light, but long and stringy in low light, where it depends less on photosynthesis and more on prey.


Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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what lights do you have? When I used to have my tank under halides almost all of my zoas would have long skirts. I kind of liked it. Then when i switched to LEDs they shorted up.

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