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Two Decade Club
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Don?t get discouraged if you lose a coral here and there. As long as all the parameters are at an acceptable level don?t go crazy chasing numbers trying to find out why. I?ve learned this from experience and any long term SPS keeper can tell you it happens. Just look at the bright side there?s room for something else....here is my ten year old + Miyagi tort...completely gone in only two days. It?s the only coral effected and don?t know why...Luckily I have plenty of frags and mini colonies of it.
Crappy cellphone pics...it?s a beautiful solid white....wish it stayed white....LOL


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Advanced Reefer
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Don?t get discouraged if you lose a coral here and there. As long as all the parameters are at an acceptable level don?t go crazy chasing numbers trying to find out why. I?ve learned this from experience and any long term SPS keeper can tell you it happens. Just look at the bright side there?s room for something else....here is my ten year old + Miyagi tort...completely gone in only two days. It?s the only coral effected and don?t know why...Luckily I have plenty of frags and mini colonies of it.
Crappy cellphone pics...it?s a beautiful solid white....wish it stayed white....LOL


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Sorry for the loss Mike, I just noticed yesterday my Miyagi Tort colony is getting white at the base, not sure if it?s STNing.

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That is a shame. Sometimes I feel corals are like plants and can only grow to a certain size based on size of tank or pot. Sorry mike but you said perfectly, it happens to all of us. I had few of those scenarios. That for sure


Advanced Reefer
Westchester, N.Y
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Wow, that looked bigger when you were holding in hand. That's Good you have more frags. So strange why one colony we will lose. While the others show no signs of stress. Still we don't fully understand what is the cause of this. Just like a new system without LR. SPS has a much harder time to grow until the the system matures or bacteria. We still need a lot more to learn.

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