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Experienced Reefer
Chelsea, NYC
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I have a 60 gallon reef with the following inhabitants:

2 zebra barred dartfish
royal gramma basslet
blue/green chromis
Randall's anthias
McCosker's flasher wrasse

I've just set up a QT tank and plan to add a Banggai cardinalfish. But as long as the QT is up and running, I was thinking of adding another fish as well. My question is, do you think it's a good idea to add a Lubock's fair wrasse to this mix?

All of the current fish are quite peaceful and there is absolutely no aggression in the tank. The Banggai cardinalfish is listed as semi-aggressive, but I understand that it's mostly towards conspecifics -- and it's so slow that it will likely not be a problem for the other inhabitants.

But the Lubbock's fairy wrasse is also listed as semi-aggressive. Do you think it will it get along with the McCosker's flasher wrasse? I've read about this being successful. I really like this fish and want to add it, but I would hate to disturb the peaceful community that already exists. And removing the fish after I've added it to the display tank will be very difficult without tearing apart my rockwork.

Does anyone have experience with this combination? Do you think it will work? Appreciate any advice.


Two Decade Club
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What dimensions on the 60, ...48?? If so it should fine. Get the Lubbock smaller than flasher and use an acclimation box. There are two species of Lubbock I prefer the Cebu, personal choice. Their behavior is similar. GL

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Queens, NY
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male Banggai is definitely only to flush out other males from the tank, wont bother anything else. A female/ male combo will chase all other cardinals out.
Mixing wrasses? the only other wrasses I'd add are a couple of female flashers, not a different species. Much more interesting behavior rather than trying to get an extra male, which will invade the territory and try to divided up the territory in the tank, which I'm thinking won't work. I don't know how much territory there is in there, the more rock/surface area the better. If you really wanted to do it, you'd have to rearrange all the rockwork, and sort of divided into a left and right pile, with an open space in between

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