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New Reefer
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Hi all reefers, friend of mine introducing me this website and I am going to set up a first saltwater tank for myself, I have 5 freshwater tanks for long time, mostly keeping plants,discus, gubbies and shrimps. Can I take down a 75GL planted tank and using it as a reef tank? I have big hob filter n a 300w bright white led light, what else I need to complete the setup. Any inputs will be strongly appreciated!


Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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Welcome to hobby good luck best advice for beginner would be find someone local u can chat with and help you I still have friends that I ask questions because they been in hobby 20 + yrs

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One of the first questions you have to answer is what kind of saltwater tank do you want it to be?

Do u want a saltwater reef tank with corals, invertebrates and fish? Or do u want to keep a saltwater tank with just fish (fowlr)?

This question will guide you in seeing what equipment youll need to buy, what equipment you already have and can re-purpose and give you some insight as to what problems you can run into along the way.

Research both types of tank setups first and then plan on getting the equipment, rock/sand, testing kits, salt mixes, lighting, powerheads, skimmer etc....

Saltwater is a completely different animal from freshwater...you probably understand the maintenance aspect of aquariums in general already, but saltwater is gonna take that to another level.

Planning is the key right now...do your homework and get all your stuff laid out before you start setting up.

Also develop a budget...keep in mind that bigger tanks = less money in your wallet. If money is an issue, maybe consider starting with a smaller tank or a nanocube. No shame it testing the saltwater waters with a 28 or 29 nano tank. Plenty of success stories had with them and upgrades can be done to them if youd like down the road.

And dont be afraid to reach out to this community...plenty of people with successful tanks and most are willing to help!!

Best of luck!!
Brooklyn, NY
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Hi Xiu, Welcome to Manhattan Reefs and welcome to the marine aquarium hobby. Great advise above. I just wanted to encourage you to come to the frag swap on November 17th. It doesn’t matter that you haven’t started your system yet. The swap is a fantastic way to learn, meet other hobbyists, pick peoples brains and maybe even win some useful equipment for your build in our raffle. If you system is started by then, please stop by the MR table and introduce yourself and I’ll make sure you get some great beginner corals gratis. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Randy


Advanced Reefer
Long Island, NY
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I really really recommend using a sump, I regretted using a hob filter when it was time for corals. the filtration was not as good. I just really regretted it and can't stress that enough. if you dont want corals, the HOB will be fine! a sump allows more filtration and media.

people are gonna confuse you by throwing a million things at you. here's all you need,

Heater - anything works. Make sure it fits ur aquarium size and isn’t built cheap, a busted heater sucks.


Thermometer - either works. Your preference.

  1. https://www.amazon.com/Marina-Floating-Thermometer-Suction-Cup/dp/B0002AQITK/ref=sr_1_11?crid=2WCE53JIA2AI3&keywords=thermometer+reef&qid=1572902210&sprefix=thermo%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-11

  1. https://www.amazon.com/JW-Pet-Smarttemp-Thermometer-Accessory/dp/B002ZMFM4A/ref=sr_1_25?crid=2WCE53JIA2AI3&keywords=thermometer+reef&qid=1572902210&sprefix=thermo%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-25

Light - anything works honestly. Something with blues is great. If you want corals make sure you get at least something with blue.

  1. https://www.amazon.com/HIPARGERO-LED-Aquarium-Light-Saltwater/dp/B0727V8C5Q/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=reef+tank+light&qid=1572901964&sr=8-6

  1. https://www.amazon.com/ZXMEAN-Aquarium-Adjustable-Freshwater-Saltwater/dp/B07G2X5WNJ/ref=sr_1_27?keywords=reef+tank+light&qid=1572901964&sr=8-27
TEST KIT- very important. If you want to keep sensitive corals, you’ll want to get alkalinity, magnesium and calcium kits as well.


Live rock: ask on here, many people have tons. cheap at LFS. u can actually see what you get but if you want to order alot at once, here's a good deal.

Sand -

Wave maker -

1.with controller-

2. without controller-

Salt mix - weekly water changes.

  1. For fish only, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003SNKMVI/?tag=reefs04-20
  2. For fish & coral https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002DJU0G/?tag=reefs04-20
Salinity refractometer- keep salinity at 1.025

all you need now is to learn about the nitrogen cycle and you're good.

MOST IMPORTANTLY ***********make sure you only use RODI or distilled water when you mix salt, if you want an RODI unit, go for it. You can buy rodi water at pretty much any local fish store. just make sure u have buckets. if you dont use rodi, you have to use dechlorinator but it honestly makes a huge difference when you use rodi. marine life is way more sensitive than fresh water life.

when you want to add more corals, message me or someone else and they'll let you know if you need any new equipment.

**********watch BRS 52 weeks of reefing on youtube. that will tell you everything you need to know so you dont get confused. They basically set up a fish tank over 52 weeks and show you the process and I promise that's all you'll need.
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If theres a million things thrown at you before setting up a saltwater tank..its because theres a million things to consider.

Watching a few videos, buying some equipment on amazon and filling a tank with water is hardly a good base to being successful.

Remember there is more than one way to skin a cat...take people's recommendations or opinions and see which ones help you achieve what your looking to do. What works for one person may not apply to you.


Experienced Reefer
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Hi Xiu, Welcome to Manhattan Reefs and welcome to the marine aquarium hobby. Great advise above. I just wanted to encourage you to come to the frag swap on November 17th. It doesn’t matter that you haven’t started your system yet. The swap is a fantastic way to learn, meet other hobbyists, pick peoples brains and maybe even win some useful equipment for your build in our raffle. If you system is started by then, please stop by the MR table and introduce yourself and I’ll make sure you get some great beginner corals gratis. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Randy

Can’t beat that... that’s an awesome invitation

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Advanced Reefer
Long Island, NY
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If theres a million things thrown at you before setting up a saltwater tank..its because theres a million things to consider.

Watching a few videos, buying some equipment on amazon and filling a tank with water is hardly a good base to being successful.

Remember there is more than one way to skin a cat...take people's recommendations or opinions and see which ones help you achieve what your looking to do. What works for one person may not apply to you.

BRS 52 weeks of reefing covers EVERY SINGLE THING you need to know when starting a SW fish tank.
You won't get all that knowledge from another place.

He asked what other equipment he needed so I linked him to some products to consider.
You simply made it more complicated by throwing things at him when ALL he asked is what else he needs. I showed him what else he needs. I set up my tank by watching BRS 52 weeks of reefing. Learned everything I needed to know without being confused. Assuming you've never watched 52 weeks of reefing, lol so watch before you discourage someone else to not watch.

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