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Hello everyone,

Here are the changes we have implemented in the last 24 hours:

1. Login share between https://reefs.com and https://www.manhattanreefs.com Please note, that some ad-blocking software may interfer with this functionality. Please inform us here if you have any problems and we will check it out.

2. Account menu fully available in the mobile view:

3. Tapatalk upgrade that should solve the issues reported.

All other issues reported will be checked and fixed asap.

Thank you!


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Hello everyone,

here are the changes we have implemented recently:

Few things I noticed. Cant get to the next page on the marketplace it only shows top 10 or sow posts. When I went to reply it made me log in again. I think its a cleaner looking site. Navigation does seem a little off though.

Now the tabs will show a link to the appropriate marketplace forum where you can browse all records.

When I click on pics it takes me to reef.com and says I have to be logged in

We could not reproduce it, please provide a link where you see the issue and we will check it again.

MR goes to reefs.com Is this now Manhattan Reefs website? Also how do I access my subscribed threads.

Some forums are accessible only via https://www.manhattanreefs.com and some others via https://reefs.com If a thread belongs to a domain but you are on another domain currently, you will be redirected, but your login status should be kept and you should not need to login to the other board.

Watched threads and forums are now added to the account popup.

Avatars in lists of threads are replaced with the first attached/embedded image in the thread. Thread owners can change which attachment should be used as a thumbnail.

The account popup will now show a badge with unread conversation and alert count. We have also added a link to your alerts page.

Some account-related pages, like changing your password, following a user, etc. are now all under the Account Details page:


Please keep us updated on any issues you reproduce and we will fix them asap.

Thank you!
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