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Hi everyone..I need a new refugium light the one I had is on it's way out .I'm tired of ordering new grow led from ebay .they sont last for me ...I was thinking maybe a kessil h380 or the 180 ..I'm open to other options also .what's everyone using ? My fugium is 20x20x18 ..just growing some cheato in it .


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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I use the Light of America bulb that Home Depot sells. I think it's around 40 watts and it grows cheato and other plant algae pretty good, it also last a real long time, as I run it 24/7 and don't have to change it for a couple of years at a time. I have it on a 29gal sump, and I get good coverage with it basically right on top of the tank, probably get better, or more, if I hung it above.
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Long Island, NY
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What light did u have before the kessil 380 ?I'm supprised the kessil isn't good .. I cant but another ebay led grow light they never last

Don’t get me wrong it works. I haven’t had it long enough to give an honest review. Also tank is new so might also be why Cheeto is growing and not exploding. It was a Mars LED. I’ll give it to you

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Don’t get me wrong it works. I haven’t had it long enough to give an honest review. Also tank is new so might also be why Cheeto is growing and not exploding. It was a Mars LED. I’ll give it to you

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Thanks joe u dont have to ..I may get a kessil like u got u know I love kessil .....I do remeber hearing about Mars grow lights before


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Using Kessel h80, but....
My Amazon grow light $25 in a clamp lamp grew chaeto like crazy...

I actually just changed the spectrum the other day...

Run it for 15 hours daily


Always Thinkering
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I had a HD clip on light with a CFL bulb which worked well. Changed to a Kessil H380 and growth stopped for a few weeks then growth exploded. My fuge is a 20Gallon long and it fills up every 6 weeks. (DT is a 75G)


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Wow pretty cool light never seen that before ..how big is ur fuge ?does it give decent light of ?is 1 bright enough for a 16x16 x16 fuge ?
so Charlie my fuge is 21x9x15. water level only about 10 though. and it fills completely with chaeto like stuffed. no tumbling needed. I think the light could handle another 7" in width. try 1 at first, 2 if growth isn't at its max

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