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Long Island
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So Instant Ocean claims that you can use tap water with Reef Crystals and a dechlorinator. I even emailed them and they said yes as long as you have medium to good water quality, which I don’t know what that means. Has anyone done this? I’m on Long Island on SCWA aquifer water. Anyone just use tap water? For four months my RODI system is off because it’s outside. If I could use tap water it would help me solve this problem or use natural sea water or buy it at LFS. So tap


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staten island
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So Instant Ocean claims that you can use tap water with Reef Crystals and a dechlorinator. I even emailed them and they said yes as long as you have medium to good water quality, which I don’t know what that means. Has anyone done this? I’m on Long Island on SCWA aquifer water. Anyone just use tap water? For four months my RODI system is off because it’s outside. If I could use tap water it would help me solve this problem or use natural sea water or buy it at LFS. So tap
I believe they do have some type of bentonite clay along with dechlorinator. I'm guessing you do know the risk using tap water but yes I'm guessing stuff they add would potentially minimize the risk.


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Any reef salt can use Tapwater or even sewer water. But what is in the water that matters. Heavy metals, chlorine, silica etc,.
Get RODI. I have over 6K in life stock. I wont skim on a 300.00 rodi.
I am in bklyn and my tap water is 17 TDS. LI dont use NYS water so LI TDS should be higher. I still use 7 stage RODI.
Queens, NY
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I believe you should be able to find out the DOC and trace mineral/pollution contents of your tap water for LI online. It's public info by the water department? I forget, but they monitor it constantly by balancing out water from different wells heads and salt water intrusion so that it meets the clean water act requirements. If I remember the water quality correctly, you should use reverse osmosis. On the other hand, being out in LI, I'd also just get a few drums and fill it up by the south shore, during the incoming tide.


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I’d guess they mean you can use tap water for a fish only tank. If you have corals I think you have to use rodi especially because of the chlorine. The reef crystals have a water conditioner compound to get rid of chlorine so fish I would trust. I use tap water in my qt setup all the time.

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