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I've been out of the hobby for nearly three years. I had been doing freshwater, planted and brackish cichlid tanks for over 20 years. My first tank saltwater tank was in 2009 with a traditional sump setup. After a small accident because of salt creep in the sump my next setup was a custom all in one. Both tanks were very successful but also a lot of work.
I currently have a 90 gallon African cichlid tank setup but I am so bored. Thinking of converting this tank to a saltwater reef with just a few fish. I really liked my all-in-one but it was very very cramped. Each 9012 is rated at 50/150/260 so even with a medium bioload I'm at 300 gallons. Adding in the FX6 I already have just provides further mechanical and biofiltration with added flow in the tank. My gyre pump will feed water flow directly into the skimmers intake. Changing the media on the fx6 is super super easy and I already do weekly changes. Any concerns of the canister filter will be offset by the two skimmers and an in line UV filter. An ATO should keep the skim quality consistent. On paper this is a super easy maintenance system rated more than 500 gallons ( I know, I kno oops p inw but it should be much more than enough). I want my water pristine enough for SPS this time. No plumbing, no socks, no sump just means less maintenance, less cleaning, less risky and maybe less problems. Maybe.


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Experienced Reefer
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Almost forgot. Going barebottom without a sandbed for several reasons. It's going to have probably a maximum of 12 select fish and some invertebrates. With no filter sock to pre-filter the water I want to try to reduce any stress to the skimmer pumps. It should also cut down on any nuisance detritus in the long run.

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