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I'm setting up a 100g reef/fish mixed tank. It will probably have a 3"-4" DSB, and probably an above-average bio-load. I want my reef and fish too.

I'm deciding between an Aqua-C EV180 and a Euro-Reef CS6-1. I can get the Euro-Reef for about $60 less (the cost of the pump), and I've been told that they are the best skimmers made. Which would you recommend?

My considerations in order of importance are:
1. Minimal maintenance - I want to use a collector, and I don't want to perform maintenance except every other weekend.
2. Effective - I want freedom to have many fish. (I will worry later which fish)
3. Efficient with Electricity - The Euro-Reef wins this catagory.

My choice is a toss-up at this point. If anyone with experience can recommend either, please let me know. I'm open to other suggestions, except that I won't purchase a Turbofloater because everyone is trying to sell theirs so that they can upgrade



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I would highly recommend Euro-Reef, but based on my tank and bioload, I would recommend to you at the very least the CS8 series.

I believe the one you mention has the small pump, as well.


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I switched from a Berlin Turbo to an AquaC-EV 180 for my 120 gal. tank last month. Big difference. The AquaC pulls out over 3x the amount of skimate the Berlin did. I also consided both Euroreef and Lifereef skimmers, but AquaC was a better fit for my sump. I was able to save a few $$ by using my Berlin Turbo pump. I changed the impeller from the 12-blade to their old style 6-blade and the AquaC works beutifully.

You probably won't go wrong with either skimmer but I can only recommend what I know: AquaC.


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As you point out the Euroreef will use less electricity.

The Euroreef requires less tweaking than the AquaC, but this "advantage" is of little or no value as the AquaC is easy to set up as well.

The Euroreef, IME, is a better skimmer, but that doesn't mean I don't also think highly of the AquaC.

The Euroreef does not have a collection jug option, unless you wish too DIY. The AquaC, as noted above, does have a drain hole built in to the skimmer cup. The Euroreef collection cup is large, and I find that I empty mine (CS8-2) once per week, but I could easily go longer between cleanings. The collection cups on both Euroreef and AquaC are easy to remove.

The AquaC has a smaller footprint.

The Euroreef must be placed in the sump, in 6-9" of water.

Euroreef, AquaC, and the beckett head skimmers are all good choices. I went with Euroreef because I like the efficient design and low power consumption.



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I've never owned an AquaC, so I can't comment on them. I run a Euro-Reef CS6-2 on my 100g reef and it's one great skimmer! As EmilyB mentions, if you're looking at a high bioload, you may want to step up to a CS6-4, or even up to the CS8 series...at least get one with the Sedra 5000 pump instead of the 3500. Hope that helps!


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I purchased the EV-180 about 3 weeks ago for my 125 FOWLR tank. I was using a Turbofloter up until then. Although I can not make a comparison to the Euro Reef skimmers, I can say I like the EV180 so far. I didn't purchase the collection container (80.00) but use instead an old milk jug to collect the waste. It's compact enough to fit into my smallish sump. I got it from Marine Depot and opted for the Mag7 pump. It does take some tweaking of the gate valve to get it to skim properly, but once I got the water level correct, I haven't had to fiddle with it.


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I got an Aqua C 180 not long ago. Awsome. Great. Fantastic. Wonderful. etc etc etc. I am running it with a dolphin pump vs. a Mag 7. I started with the 7 then moved to the dolphin - that did make a difference. I clean it about once a week - sometimes every other week.

I do tune it frequently. During the week when I am traveling I tune it down a little to not produce much waste - a dry foam. Then on the weekend I turn it up a produce a tea color waste. But don't get me wrong - you don't always have to do this and I run a high bio load.

The reason I picked it over the euroreef (my second choice) cost and I had the ability to run it in our out of sump. When running in sump the foot print was more flexible and smaller than the Euroreef.

If you are worried - flip a coin. You won't go wrong.

I did find the folks at MMM and Marine Depot a great help. I purchased from Marine Depot.

Good luck.


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73chargers. It's been long time for me too. Try the 72phins.

Call Jeff at Lifereef. I did and am glad. His skimmer is great. Same model can be mounted in the sump or external.

The skimmesr you menttion are obviuosly good choices too!

The stuff my Lifereef skimmer pulls out smell like a porta-john. Disgusting.



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