I am setting up a 150g 72x22x23 i allready have 2 vho actinic blue lights on the way i was going to order 2 more 50/50's to go along with it, but i keep hearing people say get some mh's. I dont plan on keeping sps's so would they really be necessary?
i just ordered another 250 watt MH and will be putting two on a new 90 gal this next weekend i think i am gonna love them they are 10 k i already fired up the one i got last week and i really like the color and the shimmering light you would only need 3 lights get 6500 k's and use the actinics you have to supplement...just a suggestion but you know best just think about will i ever want SPS if you can say even maybe then go MH
You should be just fine for most softies with VHO's however, you must consider that someday you will walk into a fish store and see a SPS that you just have to have. You'll then wish you got the halides then.
To save money in the long run it's best to plan a head. Your vho sounds fine for now. Your tank is 22 back to frount and a MH reflector is 12 wide. You should have room for the MH and you can use the vho to suplement. You nead a reflector.
thanks fh! i know i will need a reflector for the mh but i shouldnt need one for the vho's right? a friend is also telling me to go with 250w mh...but i am just clueless on what k bulb to get since i allready have the vho's.....