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I have recently bought two percula clownfish. I asked the local fish store what they like to eat and he told me that flakes are fine and they don't need anything else. I was wondering if this is true. I want my fish to be as happy as possible. If you could, please let me know what they eat, and what you feed yours. Thanks.


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My clowns eat just about anything they can fit in their greedy little mouths, including nips of seaweed intended for my herbivores. Most of the resources I have preach variety when feeding them (like most fish) so I keep a couple varieties of dried foods and several frozen ones, and rotate a different one every day. The clowns never complain.

"Clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson (which is an outstanding book to have if you keep clowns) has a recipe for a home-brew frozen clown food that sounds tasty. With all the commercial frozen foods available, I have been too lazy to try and make it.

[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: Brian Boyer ]</p>

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