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Hey all,

I was trying to mod my seaclone to improve the efficiency..in a article on reefcentral it says to remove the tube thats 1inch in diameter and cut it, he says you can do this just by wiggling it a bit...i tried this and it doesn't come out, anyone have any ideas on how to get it out?? Thanks.


Advanced Reefer
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Spikehs, I have modified two of them this way. I cut down the center tube to about 1" remaining. Some people use hot water to loosen it. I just used a dremel saw with an extension on the neck of the blade to reach down into it. By cutting down the tube you are creating a larger reaction chamber and more contact time. I also cut down the tube on the collection cup so the foam doesn't have to go up as high and put a rubber washer on the bottom of the cup for a better seal. I also used MaxiJet 1200 pumps and better air valves. They are not a bad little skimmer after the mods for a small tank.

Good Luck

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