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the critters you added will not cause an increase in nitrates or ammonia that you will notice...most inverts don't. Fishes will increase the nitrates, ammonia appreciably due to the waste that they produce.

As always, be careful and patient in adding critters...too many too quickly will spell disaster.

The clean up crew is a fine addition, but be sure to provide additional food for them, as they are not strictly vegetarians...


[ December 27, 2001: Message edited by: nuff40 ]</p>


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OK stats first:
10 Gallon
Skilter 250
20 Lbs. prepackaged LS
14 Lbs. Cured LR from fish store
8 Lbs. LR from established tank
PC w actinic for 2 hrs/day

Started on the 15th

As all of my LS was prepackaged, I hoped my tank would cycle quickly from the dead stuff in the sand. I have had no increase in Ammonia, except for a .25 increase 8 days ago, otherwise 0. Nitrites are 0 nitrates fluctuate from 15-10-20. I have a decent amount of green algae from some LR from an established reef. I have been told my tank will cycle by now, or my tank will cycle over 6 weeks and that my tank will not show marked changes in chemistry due to the amount and age of LR, meaning no huge cycle until I add some bioload.

Today I added two blue-legged hermits and six Astrea Snails. I have a tank to house them in case there is an ammonia spike.

What the hell is going on? I figured I'd see a slight increase in Ammonia by now, since I haven't, I bought a cleanup crew to eat the algae.

Is this a wise decision?

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