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I just made an impulse buy.

I purchased a 2 1/2" Clown Tang. Its yellow with a white belly, with purple and blue lateral stripes - very colorfull. I assume he'd be like a yellow eye tang or something, as it has similar features. Huge Forehead!!

Its quite timid, but its only been in the tank for 3 hours. He should realize soon that he is the "King" of the tank.

Anything I should know about it? Feeding habits? Algaes it may like?

This is kinda what it looks like, but smaller:


[ December 27, 2001: Message edited by: SanDiegoBryan ]</p>


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They are like most tangs. Feed meaty foods with algea to graze on and calurpa if any availbe. Should do very well in a 125. Since im guessing you didnt quartine him keep and on it for a few weeks for stress on amything.


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I have a clown tang in a 155g. He is doing extremely well. I will say, they have a HUGE appetite...

Mine was very small, about 2" or so when I got it and I fed it three times a day, OSI spirulina flake, juvenile food from brineshrimpdirect, nori, romaine, you name it. It eats ALL THE TIME. Much more so than any other tangs I have. Mine was as thin as an envelope when he came here, and looked like, well, an envelope with a bump, every time he ate....

They are very aggressive, and you will have to guage future tankmates accordingly. I like the personality of my clown tang, and he cohabitates with the other members of my reef very well, at least for now.


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small = pretty
mature = holy f#%^&n terror

do not keep with other fish (especially other tangs)that are close in size,shape or color. Do not keep with food competitors.
they posses the largest caudal spine of all the tangs, combined with a bad attitude and a short fuse. He will eventually become your "problem child"


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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by stevescg:
<strong>small = pretty
mature = holy f#%^&n terror


That always seems to happen when I make an impulse purchase!

What should I expect? He is only 2 1/2" Max!

Will he fight with my Maroon Clown?
Will he fight with my Chromis Damsels?
Will he fight with my Pink Spot Goby?

Should I just get rid of him, or how long should I keep him?

So far - he doesn't come out of the rocks. He's extremely timid, and the second I go near the tank, he disappears. I have seen him in the open water from the living room, but he just acts like any other tang as far as I can tell.

I really appreciate being able to come here for help!! Thanks!!!


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OOH MAN!!! Thanks!!! HAHHAH!!

That link really explains everything I was just about to type!!!

Its started already.. He KNOWS he is the KING of the tank..

I had no idea tangs could be like this! I've had sailfin and yellows, and they were a LOT mellower!

He's swimming all over..
He swims up to the goby and flares his fins.
He keeps the chromis' in a school.
He's still paranoid! Cracked out!!

He DOES NOT bother my Gold Stripe Maroon Clown however, and that is really all I care about
But then again, he's protected by the bubble tip!

Anyway - I'll ditch him when I get bored, or want something else - I just wanted something in the main water column that was cool to look at.




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You have chosen an almost impossible to keep tang.
Try to return it to the store immediately. They should not be importing or selling these species.
Most often the tank simply hides and refuses to eat. If it does start eating in most cases it simply withers away for no apparent reason. I think they miss something which we cannot yet provide.
Robert Fenner refers to them as frequently refusing to feed and having a high mortality rate
See www.webmedia.com/acanthurTngs.htm
I keep tangs and have tried the clown tang on two occasions. Both times they died within 6 months.


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Agreed. Their import IMO should be banned. Buying such a fish "on impulse" is especially something to be avoided.


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What kind of personality does your maroon have? They vary from fairly peaceful, like mine (although he doesn't take any crap from anybody) to extremely aggressive. A few maroons will beat up on much larger fish. I think yours will hold its own, at least for now.


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The site I gave you is off but here is what is says of the Clown tangs.
Robert Fenner "The clown tang is a bad fish for something in addition to lack of feeding and high mortality; its territoriality.
This fish can become an unholy terror towards its tank mates getting progressively worse with growth. Can grow to 15 inches in length in the wild."
Boycott this fish!

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