I just got my paper catolog from thatfishplace and saw on page 11 mag-floats for sale. Are they any good? especially for the money? I've seen other algae cleaner at PA for much more.
I am happy with mine. its a large size and I have a 90 gallon aquarium, 1/2" thick glass. the magnet is kind of thick if you have anything close to the glass it will hit.
I have a cheap Petco magnet and it's ok for some film algae but I still need to use the razor to get the stuborn stuff like coraline. I can use the magnet 3 or 4 times but then out comes the razor. I have debated for a long time about a rare earth magnet like Tunze but the price (WOW). And I would feel prety dumb if it didn't eliminate the razor from my chore. Has anybody had any sucess with these better magnets?
One of my tanks is a 90 gallon bowfront which is a corner tank, I like the mag-float it never comes of and I never could find a magnet cleaner to stay on the bow of the tank and if it does come loose it goes up, also cleans well.
I love mine, I just wish I would have heeded the warning, "caution strong magent, do not get fingers between". I got 2 blood blisters in 1 snap right after I pulled the warning out from the 2 pieces.
We have had great success with the Mag Float. Sold quite a few already. I would not recommend using the Mag Float on acrylic tanks. The bristles are too course and would probably end up scratching the tank. I cannot advertise here, but we have great prices on these magnets.
I just got me a Meg Float and love it...
Clean almost anything off my wall very well.
I decided to try the mag. becouse of it floats. I have a 2year old son who kept pulling my cheap one off the wall and it would go crashing into the bottom of the tank. Now if he does it there is no problem cause it just goes to the top and i can retreive it easily.
I also have a Mag-Float 350 for my 75 Gallon Oceanic Tank. I'm very pleased with it. I have read on another BB, that the smaller mag-floats aren't as strong as the 350. Just my 2 cents worth.
[ October 02, 2001: Message edited by: Daniel Schubert ]
Algae Free makes the strongest floating magnet avalable its called the Hammerhead Float, it's acrylic safe. It is quite a bit more expensive IMO its worth it! Has a nice big cleaning surface and works great on my large acrylic tank.
Just got my mag350 for my 80gal tank. Man that thing is strong! does a really good job on the algae, even the tough to scrape off diatoms - it even took of some coraline for me!! well worth the 30(can) bucks i spent on it!
I place an acrylic safe pad on my Mag Float. I also find it handy for feeding algae to my fish. I attach a feeding clip to it and just run it down to the bottom of the tank. When the algae is gone I just run it back up and reload. No reaching into the tank.