I made the mistake of getting one; this will be my last.
I am putting the flame scallop in a high-flow, rock-laden, no-fish area where she will be safe and never need to move, where I can see her but fish cannot, and I can drop food into the flow that will blow right over her.
Having read the article, etc. let me ask which food products are best?
I am lucky to have an LFS on my way home from work that happens to carry an entire row of fish foods, top to bottom. Plus a freezer.
I can get baby brine shrimp, invert foods, zooplankton, phytoplankton, Liqui-Fry, filter feeder foods (made by the LiquiFry manufacturers), etc.
I also have a tank that is a little grungy, which seems to help the filter feeders.
I pose to the biologists out there, what product(s) would be best? What has proven successful as a pre-packaged food?