I've found just about every bit of info I can, and the just of it is that they get big(approx. 12" in the wild), beligerant, and don't put them in a reef. Well, I was looking for a little more personal experience with them, and have yet to find anyone that had kept them for any decent amount of time (people usually put them in their reef....then took take out after the wrasse begins re-arranging the rockwork.) An LFS nearby always has a juv. dragon wrasse(2-3") in at least one of their tanks, which bothers me because most of their tanks are full of CC. They seem to have quite the personality and not afraid of me at all--swimming right up to the glass and giving me a good look-over--definitely a good sign. I know they loose their color when they mature and end up looking pretty drab (nothing like the juvenile form.)
I have a 20g long that I would set up as a dragon wrasse ONLY tank, producing as close as possible an environment that it is indicative of. My concern was the size that this fish would reach, in which case the 20g would be a pretty cruel place to live. But I've heard that they grow at an EXTREMELY slow rate. One experience I have heard is from someone who had one for 2 years and he never noticed any type of substantial growth(it never passed 3.5") Another has told me that they are slow growers, and not nearly as active as they appear to be. I'm trying to gain from others experiences as to what this fish is like in the aquarium and any distinct needs it may have.
I have a 20g long that I would set up as a dragon wrasse ONLY tank, producing as close as possible an environment that it is indicative of. My concern was the size that this fish would reach, in which case the 20g would be a pretty cruel place to live. But I've heard that they grow at an EXTREMELY slow rate. One experience I have heard is from someone who had one for 2 years and he never noticed any type of substantial growth(it never passed 3.5") Another has told me that they are slow growers, and not nearly as active as they appear to be. I'm trying to gain from others experiences as to what this fish is like in the aquarium and any distinct needs it may have.