Went on vacation over on July 4th. Came back on the 7th and didn't see my powder blue tang! It was gone! Looked on the floor, nothing. There were only a couple of spots it could completely hide and it wasn't there. I double checked my skimmer to see it it was overflowing but it wasn't. Since I couldn't see a body, it just didn't make sense. I peeled off the tape from the plastic background to get a better look along the back. Sad to say I saw the skeleton. Just the skull and the spine. Not a piece of flesh on it. I was suprise that the body would be gone so quick. It's a 72 Bow. It's go a blue damsel, two green chromis, tomato clown, sea anenome, young naso tang, foxface and a bicolored blennie.
There is a bristle worm that came on with some of the live rock but to pick a decent size tang clean in 4 days? Everything was fine when I left. It was the biggest fisn in the tank. Any ideas?
There is a bristle worm that came on with some of the live rock but to pick a decent size tang clean in 4 days? Everything was fine when I left. It was the biggest fisn in the tank. Any ideas?