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Tube Worm

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Hello everyone! this is my first post! Ok. I have had 4 anemones (and keeped them each with a clown) in my 80 gallon tank. every month i buy one and it dies. And now the one i have is dying. I have had the tank for 7 months and i have
2 actinics 40wt 20,000k
2 super day light 40wt 10,00k.
All my levels are perfect exept the trate witch is at 5ppm. I am feeding my anem 1 time per day krill.I also just put him on the top rock nearest to the light. What could be wrong? Thank you!


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So we may answer your question better, what's the following:
Ph & Ph swing from day to night
Temp & Temp swing
Detectable Nitrite?
How many powerheads
Whatelse in the tank?


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Is this a fish only tank, if so have you ever used copper for treatment or other meds? also the light is quite abit on the low site for them.


Tube Worm

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My levels are:
It is a long tenticle anem. I have a reef tank with lots other fish, corals, inverts, ect. I have pretty good current in the tank. i have 2 power heads. the temp is 79. at night it is 78-79. current comes down at night. Hope this help!


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You don't have enough light. Plus, 1 krill isn't 1/10th enough food. Please stop buying them. Try doing some searches on the board using the search feature, check the reefs.org library. I am very glad you started posting. It will save many animals lives if you research thoroughly before you buy. Keep in mind, the LFS you go to is interested in money, we aren't so ask us about any of their advise before spending your money there.


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Your parameters look good. It might be that you should try another LFS. I'm sure you'll get more tips and information. There is plenty of good reading here. Hang around.

Welcome aboard,

Tube Worm

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Thanks you guys! I was doing some reaserch on these VERY cool guys. I have decided to get some new lights. I am thinking about PC's. They seem nice and not too expensive. What do you think? Thanks for all you answer so much!


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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Macrodactyla doreensis, Long-tentacled anemone
These anemones have very long (up to 5-6 in.), smooth, thick tentacles sometimes with longitudinal stripes extending into the
oral disk. The tentacles originate from a round flat oral disk, distinguishing it from the condylactis anemone. The foot of the
base is almost always bright red or orange.

Good Points- They are hardy if kept under Metal Halide lights. Under lower light levels they seem to slowly waste away.
They come in a variety of patterns and colors including purple. Accepted by Clarki clowns, tomato-type clowns and pink
skunk clowns.

Bad Points- They must have bright lighting. They normally live with their base buried deep in the sand and sometimes have a
difficult time finding an attachment spot in a reef-type tank. <hr></blockquote>

From: here

I have kept my LTA for three years now, it is my absolute favorite. It did not really start to go really green and curly until it was under MH lighting. It did "fairly" well under PC (small tank) but since they want to be on the sandbottom, I don't think that PC's on an 80g would be optimal.

Tube Worm

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I got Pc's. The lfs guy said that MH will heat up the water and in the summer, i will need to get a heater. Also, i got built in fans, stands, and 50%discount for my next visit! I bought them for $400. They are 4 97wt Pc light that the anemone will thrive in(at least what he said, he seems to know alot about anems) Total, with my other lights, i have about 478wts of light. But, i did take my anem in to my lfs, I cant return it.He said that it is very unliklyl that the anem will live. about 1 out of 2000 that he will live
. I will miss him. Now i wish i have never bought him. he could have gone home to a nice tank and be as old as me! But, i had to buy him. But now, i am keeping him in a plasic cage type thing with some cc. im floating it in the main tank since i dont have a QT Set up. I want o know, what is the least painful way to....No! cant do it! Im not like that! But i really just want to keep you updated on this.


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You need to get you stories straight. AT RC you said your Nitrates were 240 then you said they were 35. At SWF you never told anybody you killed 4 anemones. You didn't tell anybody at RC you killed 4 of them either.

And you wonder why people call all your post FAKE


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Tubeworm, if you are going to continue to play this little game how about finding somewhere else to do it.



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I had a feeling this was coming. Isn't this game fun! Let's play some more! My mom says it's ok if you come over to my house...she's gonna make us some grilled cheese!

James Wiseman


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Sort of off topic- but i've had my BTA for a year and have never fed it once. Its multiplied and grown significantly... In general, I think folks tend to over-feed their systems.

I dont buy that you have to feed these animals on a regular basis anything more than good strong lighting...

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