i know that i'm still new to this hobby, but i read something about this yesterday. Do you have any anemones in your tank? if you do, the "milk" is probably sperm!
i'm not 100% sure about it, so don't get mad if i'm wrong
Well...did you add something to it (i.e. sand, supplements, etc.)? Is one of your powerheads blowing directly on your sand? Do you have any mischievious children around and the gallon of milk in your fridge is now half empty?
55 gal 6 mo. old have a few fish,
shrimp lots of live rock calcium is low
ph is ok lots of calerpa -fan type and 2 other types 2 leather corals , lots of mushrooms and feather dusters - all life appears fine except 1 bunch of feather type calerpa which looks like it it turning white
The caulerpa that is turning white is going sexual--and has released all the gunk into your tank. Pull it out! Also, keep an eye on your other caulerpa--if it starts turning white, pull it out, too. The caulerpa is what has clouded your water.
Calurpa spawns because the coloney is large and/or the lighting is very intense. In my experience with calurpa spawning starts when your lights are turned on in the morning. Just make sure to rip all the calurpa that turned white out of the tank. Also if you see it starting to spawn you might want to rip out that section of calurpa before your tank turns to milk.
To prevent it from spawning you can try cutting it back when the coloney gets large.
If you look at it under a microscope you will see EVERYTHING MOVING because it is all phytoplankton. Looks pretty cool if you ask me.
It is like dosing fresh DT's into your tank(Very Good thing). A moderate amount won't hurt but a lot can lower oxygen levels so check your fish. If it is really green do a water change not over 30%. The corals probably had a feast on it.
this happen to me before the cal. additive reacted with the alk. made the water cloudy for a couple of hours.my alk is high thats what caused it./ mrfish at least you took a shot answering the fellas question good job! not saying im even right but hey at least we don't just answer the easy ones..