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I live on the NJ shore and was wondering if I can add sand from the ocean or bay? I have absolutely no life in my sand except for bacteria. I was wondering if it would be safe if I added several pounds of sand from the ocean or bay to seed my sand.



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I would definately not reccomend that. It would be full of pollution. The closer it is to shore the more pollution it will have. Not worth the few $$$ you would save. It could kill everything in you tank. You cant even swim or fish there can you?? Why would you want it in your tank???


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Man, everyone seems to think NJ is like what you see on the Sopranos. Actully the Jersey shore is a huge torrist thing. Millions of people come down each summer to swim in the ocean here.

I was worried about pollution, but I can't find a LFS that sells real live sand. I can only find the dry bagged stuff.

Do you think that the amount of pollution I would get in a small bucket full would not really impact my tank?


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Even if you lived in Fla or anywhere near the east coast, I wouldnt chance it. Your tank will soon have several thousand dollars worth of stuff in it. Is it worth it to save $50-$100 depending on the size of your tank?? What do you currently have in your tank? Any live rock? That will eventually seed your sand. If you add more Live sand to seed the sand you currently got you should be in business for relatively low cost. As far as getting the sand IF you wanted to chance it, I would get it in Warmer waters. Your tank will stay between 78-84 depending on who you listen to. How cold are jersey waters? No where close. I would think that the bacteria and creatures that were in your sand wouldnt make it in your reef. They recommend that you go out at least a couple of miles before you get any. It only takes minute amts of pollution to really reek havoc in your tank. Have you looked for live sand on the internet? Your LFS should be able to get you some. Do a search on Live sand and there will be plenty of opinions on where to buy it on the internet.


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hello to a fellow new jerseyan.the organism in the sand might not be used to the higher temps that we keep in our tanks.i have collected snails and hermits from sandy hook but i purge them out for a couple of months before i put them in my tanks.what lfs do you deal with


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Make sure to check for any human body parts that may have been buried in it.



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I am adding about 150 pounds of SD to my 37 gallon tank and plan to get a detritovore kit from either IPSF.com or inlandaquatics.com.

While I like the NJ shore, I would not put it into any of my tanks in order to save some money. From my opinion, it is just not worth it.


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"I was wondering if it would be safe if I added several pounds of sand from the ocean or bay to seed my sand."

Each year myself and the family go down to wildwood. I have collected RMA, a ton of small clams along with some sand. Nothing bad has happened to my tank. The stuff I collect always goes into my 30gal refugium.

So tell me, do you feel lucky today?

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