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Thanks for the VERY helpful link. The picture shown is a dead on match to the critter found in my tank. It looks like it will be a helpul (and cool looking) addition to my tank.

[ January 10, 2002: Message edited by: Aquatic Noggin ]</p>
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I'm new to Reefs.org and must say that so far I'm very impressed with the knowledge and insight shown here. It's this kind of information and help that will propel this hobby to new levels.

Now for my question: I saw a bristle worm work its way out of a piece of live rock that was close to 1/2" wide and who knows how long. I have been hearing a lot of conflicting information about whether or not these larger worms pose a threat to corals and other reef inhabitants. If they are bad, what's a good way to get them out of the tank. I've tried various traps that are available but never caught one- they seem to small for this size worm.

Also, I found what I believe is a flat worm. It's jet-black with a short white stripe down the center- friend or foe.

Thanks for any help.

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