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I am trying to determine what will be the best handheld meter to purchase for my new reef tank? I am leaning toward a combo meter from Hanna that tests for pH, temp, EC and TDS. I've found two slightly different models from them online for $129, but don't know which is going to be more appropriate for a marine tank since it is from a hydroponic supply company.
Model 98129 has an EC range of 0-3999 pS/cm and TDS range of 0-2000 ppm.
Model 98130 has an EC range of 0.00-20.00 mS/cm and TDS range of 0.00-10.00 ppt.
Both have an accuracy of 2% for EC/TDS and .05 for pH. I know that the pH accuracy is pretty good, but I'm not sure how the EC/TDS accuracy stacks up.
Will I still need a refractometer to feel safe about my salinity?
Thanks in advance.


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The only combo meters I've seen are by Neptune and they cost a fortune if you want all the features it has. $129 seems kinda cheap for a combo meter that measures all the stuff you mentioned. You might make sure that everything you need is included for that price because with the neptune you have to purchase seperate components to get all the features. My Pinpoint pH monitor cost about $100 through PetWarehouse and it works really good. I also bought a salinity monitor from pinpoint and it was about $100 as well and seems to be very accurate.

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