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Long Island, NY
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I have a small problem.
I found a mantis shrimp in my 200gal.

I've tried the coke bottle trap with no avail.
Are these guys so smart that they don't go in the traps?

I did a search on mantis but was wondering if you guys have any other ideas for trapping.

Also, will a mantis shrimp harm corals or is my worry for the fish in the tank.

What should I do?


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I've use the X-Terminator for mantis successfully. The worry isn't for your coral, it will ignore them. The worry is for any snail, fish, crab, shrimp, clam or barnicle. They are awesome predators.


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I just recieved some live rock w/ mantis shrimp and was thinking of trying a trick I learned from when I kept snail-dwelling cichlids. Basically I will put the rock he is in in the sump then put the rock ontop of some beer mugs so that it is high off the ground. With the cichlids anyway they were afraid of heights so when they came out they would go right to the bottom of the tank and find somewhere else to hide (half of an old under gravel filter plate in my case)

Any Idea if this will work?



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X-Terminator is a trap. I think I got it at marine depot but it was a long time ago...

You will have to be patient. I trapped snails, cleaner shrimp, gobies, etc. before I got the mantis. But it does work. I baited mine with a silverside. Stomper now has his own 5 gallon tank and is very entertaining.


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If he is big enough for you to see him just watch were he goes and then take out that peice of rock. I know it's probably not that simple but I seem to have a knack for getting mantis shrimp in my tank. While they are small they can't really do too much damage. It's when the get big that you really have to worry about your snails, crabs, and fish. I had one once in a twelve gallon tank for a little over a year. He was about 6 inches long and really pretty cool. My wife finally made me get rid of him because he would always smack the filter inlet late at night, waking us up.


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Mantis are very smart as far as crustaceans go. I was very lucky with getting mine out. Just saw him in a rock got it out and stuck it in a bucket of sw. I reached in later in the day a grabbed the rock out and he was under it left in the bucket by himself. He has his own 10 gallon now. He's still only about 2".

If anyone needs to find a home for another one i would be willing to take it.


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The coke bottle idea failed with my mantis too. He found his way into the coke bottle ate the silverside leaving a few scrapes and and then found his way out. I'll try the x-terminator next. I thought the x-terminator is kind of pricy for what it is; $12 at the LFS.


Junior Member
Long Island, NY
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Well, I finally caught the Mantis Shrimp.

I was persistant with the coke bottle trap and it finally worked.

I'll be posting a picture of him soon.

Thanks for all the tips.


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I just caught a Mantis. Check out how on my website on the Critters page! Pictures included! They are alot more work if you want to save him his life but if you are going to kill it, just get the rock out and use soda water.

[ October 22, 2001: Message edited by: cat23 ]


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I used the bottle trick to catch my mantis, although I still have one or two remaining in my tank. I had to be very patient and watchful with it, those shrimp are very smart. I tried the X terminator trap and had no luck with it, it wouldn't stay where I wanted it and if I tried to hold it down with something it would trip. I don't know maybe mine was faulty or something. Anyways, the mantis is in a 5 gal tank by himself and he is so cool!


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