I saw one the other day at the LFS and WOW!!! was it colorfull! The most brillant orange I'd seen so far in a fish! Does anyone have one? if so can you tell me all about it? thanks Lynn
Clownfish are very cool. I prefer the Maroon's (the fiery red with white stripes) myself. The saddlebacks grow to about 5 inches, tank temp should be kept at 72-78 F, ph level should be 8.1-8.4, and they like to eat chopped up shrimp. You need a good sized tank though, from what i've read these guys can get pretty aggressive towards one another.
I have a pair. They are nice fish. They are the only type of clown I have ever had, so I can't compare them to others, but they both bite me when I put my hand in the tank.