at public aquariums you can see some HUGE tangs. I've seen very impressive unicorn and naso tangs. Both in thousands of gallons. Never too big of a tank for a tang IMO.
[ January 15, 2002: Message edited by: scooterr ]</p>
Hey monkeyboy, if you stunt his growth with ciggarretes then yea. Just remember to pop a ciggie in his blow hole every time he comes up for air and you should be fine. My only concern is for the gerbils, watch they dont breathe his smoke as i think there small enough as it is.
), the desjardini I saw 2.5 years ago at Inland Aquatics was roughly 10" long, and was in a large Rubbermaid style tub that was roughly 6 or 8 feet square, and about 3 feet deep.
I was in a store in the Philadelphia area Monday and they had a Naso that had to be at least 8" in a tank that looked to be @20 gal. I was looking at that poor fish and hoping the small tank was just a temporary home or that someone would take him home to a much larger tank soon.