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Hi, I am setting up a 77gal FOWLR and plan to put some inverterbrates in there too. I want to use a 10gal tank to construct a sump, but I am not sure what kinda oveflow is good? My choices here are CPR, Multi-Reef, and DIY overflows, anyone any ideas?
btw, I have a 55W CF bulb brought from 2nd hand. It's a GE bulb, printed with "F55BX/AR/FS" on it. What is the color temp. for this bulb? Thanks


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I would not reccommend the CPR overflow..they are not trustworthy and your tank can overflow. It is a poor design that relies on a powerhead to keep the siphon going..if for some reason the powerhead does not start..your tank will overflow.If the airline gets clogged (easily) it will not keep the siphon. I just replaced my CPR for a Lifereef..I would go with the Lifereef.


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Many (all?) hang-on-the-back overflows are plauged with problems - if the syphone stops then the tank overflows.

Get a hole drilled in the tank and use a piece of glass in the corner as the overflow. This will be 100% reliable and cheap.


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I have a CPR on my 125gl reef and I Love it. Also have a budy that has one on a 246gl. It dose use a power head to maintain the siphon but I have never had a problem with it not starting and I have been through a few power failures with it. If you check your equipment regularly I don't think you will have a problem with it. I also could not believe how quiet it is compared to the u-tube overflows. I use a check valve on my return line and my sump pumps dry before the tank will avoerflow (also known through experience :)


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I am with Leldon.
Have one on my 55 gal. and if you check your equipment like you should do there shouldnt be a problem... Mine is really quiet also untill the water level drops then you know that its time to add water.. But i do that every other day anyway so not any problems...
I have a MJ1200 hooked to mine to keep the siphon going and to help circulation.



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I think CPR's are great if you're converting a FW tank to SW. I've got one and did that, and for the most part, it works fine. But for the record, of all the floods I've had, the CPR has been the only cause, and it's also the piece of equipment that's preventing me from adding some surge devices to my tank due to it's inability to handle the surge volume. If you're looking for a new tank for SW, you can't beat the reef ready design. My next tank will be a RR, and my present 180 will make a great refugium/sump.



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Get you tank drilled. Period. I have a cpr CS50, I bought this based on advice here, more people gave thumbs up on the cpr that week than the lifereef. I heard that both types of overflows will collect bubbles that need to be purged from time to time. My cpr works fine, but does need the strong pump to clear the tube of bubbles, it restarts fine as long as there isn't a lot of air built up in the "tube". I also need to unclog the air tube occasionally.

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