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I have a cleaner shrimp but the foxface does not pay him a visit to take advantage of his incredible services. I've seen cleaner wrasses at the lfs. They are constantly cleaning the other fish. I know that they next to impossible to keep in an aquarium though. However, is it worth a try and maybe he can at least save the foxface?


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They need a huge amount of greens in their diet, what are you feeding ? Mine eats macroalgae, nori, lettuce, OSI spirulina flake, Formula 2, spirulina enriched brine, Emerald entree, etc.

That black stripe thing puzzles me ?

[ November 01, 2001: Message edited by: EmilyB ]

Have you checked for stray voltage in your tank ?

[ November 01, 2001: Message edited by: EmilyB ]</p>


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If you suspect he has ich you should be feeding him garlic extract soaked nori only for about 10 days.
The idea is to concentrate enough garlic in him until the ich is cured. Alternating with vitamin drops or other foods is just dilution.
Good Luck


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If he's eating, I'd second the vote to use garlic and selcon -- that combination should cure the ich rather quickly.


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I think foxface's are pretty tough fish. The black stripe you're referring to - is it the same black coloring that they get when they are stressed and defensive? If so, make sure that he/she has enough hiding places, and some peace and quiet Of course stress will contribute to the ich, and do the garlic thing that naesco recommended.
EmilyB - doesn't your foxface do the same black stripe/spotted coloring thing when stressed?
Mike - if your foxface is eating SOMETHING, then I'm sure that it'll be fine, as long as you are somehow reducing the stress levels. Are there any other fish bothering and harassing it?



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I've had my foxface for 3 weeks now and he has been nothing but sick the entire time. He appears to have ick, along with other things I'm not so sure about. At first, he developed a black stripe along his dorsal fin that isn't too attractive. He still has this, as we hoped it would go away after a few weeks. He has had ick for a while and also has a redish coloring on some parts of his body. I've seen this before on my tangs that didn't make it. My question is, is this fish going to make it? I am kind of against taking fish out and putting them in a hospital tank for this just prolonged (or maybe speeded up) the fish's death before. What should I do? He looks terrible but is eating fine. In fact, he eats the most out of everyone. All parameters are ok and I alternate feed him selcon, zoe, vitachem, and garlic. Regardless of what may have caused his condition, what should be done with him?



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Actually, the stripe condition Mike described sounds different from just the camo stuff. It came shortly after he got it and has never gone away. But here is my fox with camo stripe..Mike ??


I do agree, they are extremely sensitive and need a good hiding place.


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And this is Foxy unstressed, ignore the algae tab it is not stuck on her...
nor is the fish in the foreground..



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My foxface does this from time to time. It would seem that your is a little stressed. You mentioned that you have only had the fish for a short time, maybe it is not totally comfortable yet. Also, if you suspect ich then it would stand to reason that it is somewhat stressed. I would try a better diet for a while and see how that works out. FWIW, I feed OSI Flake, Formula 1, Formula 2, and nori


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I feed the fish formula one, formula two, brine plus, and i drop pygmey angel formula for the angels. I also put seaweed selects in there which the foxface loves. Is nori algae in these seaweed green algae sheets? I pretty much feed the fish every thing I can so I don't know if diet is a problem here. Must be stress but I don't know what is stressing this fish.


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You do not have to purchase seaweed selects or other expensive algae food unless you want to spend the money.
Go to an oriental grocer and purchase unflavoured nori.
You can fortify it with Selcon from time to time


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Thanks everyone.
EmilyB--Actually, that black stripe that your pic shows is exactly what my foxface has. He's had it since day 1. It won't go away. He has it at all times. I don't know what is causing him the stress. He gets along with all of my other fish. He loves to pal around with the flame angel. The other fish swim right along side of him and even touch him and the foxface doesn't react at all. I don't know what is causing the stress.
Naesco---Is what you're saying just to soak the food in garlic and no other supplements for 10 days since the vitamins may be diluting the garlic? If so, then I'll give that a try.
The foxface also shows white spots from time to time. He won't go see the cleaner shrimp either. However, I think even if the white spots will go away, the black stripe won't. Whether he has any ick or not, I think the black stripe will still be there.



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Here is a photo of him just taken today. This is how he always looks. The stripe never goes away. Also, I don't know if you can notice, but near the tail fin there is a redish coloration. I don't know what that is but I've seen it in other fish that I've had in the past that did not make it.

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