I have a number of Red Mushrooms and they grow very quickly. However, I was curious if it is possible to force them to split. I have heard that you can try cutting them with a sharp blade. Anybody have comments or suggestions?
easy to do just that. Cut the top off and set it onto another rock using some netting - (bridal shops or fabric stores) the spot where you cut the head off will heal over in about two or three weeks - It looks kinda nasty then it looks kinda stringy then it starts looking like a shroom head again. anyway you can then cut this in half and both halfs will heal to form new shrooms, again in a couple of weeks
The head that you held down with the netting will have grown onto the rock already and you can remove the netting.
voila, you just made threee shrooms out of one.
I heard tell you can put them in a blender with a little tank water. chop em into small pieces (you dont want soup I dont think) and just pour this on top of you rock of choice. My water is moving too fast for me to do this but you may have good luck in a refugium using this method
if large enough cut each half in half again thru mouth.
place loose shrooms in a pvc endcap with layer of agronite in bottom.
cover endcap with wedding veil and place in bottom of tank.
add small amount of lugols/iodine and vitamin C to tank and wait 10-14 days.
at this point shrooms will be attached to agronite use gel superglue to attach ahroom to rock.
100 % success rate if pieces are about 1/4 inch and have portion of mouth.
However it will take about 6-8 weeks for the new baby shroom to grow out into nice quarter to half dollar size shrooms. I have proped about 60 shrooms this way in the past 8 months from my original 8. Currently I have about 12 in my pvc endcap and am waiting for my next batch to prop.
but forget about ricordia they just need patience.
Good luck proppin the shrooms.I have always lopped the head off and then cut them into pie shaped pieces.As well if anyone has any shroom for sale i would be very interested.I lost everything in my tank(150g) that was very very full due to a mishap about a yr ago.( yes it was my fault.
I live in memphis but am willing to pay for any shipping.I am trying to restock the tank.