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The next meeting will be on February 9th at 2:00 pm at my place. At the past couple of meetings, we began discussing what direction we want the club to take. Some topics I would like to go over at the meeting:

1. Making a more regular schedule for the meetings.
2. Set some topics to cover at meetings. Some ideas have been:
- New Tank Setup
- DIY projects
- Lighting Overview
- Fragging
- Tank Photography
3. Fund raising options. Some ideas have been annual dues and/or sponsorship from local stores. I've already spoken to one of the stores and they told me they would definitely be interested.
4. Organizing some trips. I am putting together a list of local reef/marine locations that might be interesting to go to.
5. The website. Tony Pauley and I are in the process of transferring the tampabayreef.com site to me. I'd like some ideas as to what everyone wants out of the site. I would also like some volunteers to help me work on it
6. If we're going to get more organized (and hopefully get larger), we should think about making some positions in the club. "Board of Directors", "Pres, VP, Treasurer", whatever...

Please email me for directions.

Hope to see everyone there!

[email protected]

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