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Hi everyone!

I just thought it would be fun to know. I have been stocking my own tanks for over 20 years. My latest tank is a 125gal. reef. I only capture juvinile fish that are large enough to survive. Adults don't acclimate well to captivity. On a recent dive I caught 7 Purple/Blue Chromis, 5 Neon Gobies, 1 Flame Scollop(SP?), and a mated pair of Coral Banded Shrimp.



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i caught a neon goby, a wrasse, some crabs, stars, scallops- it's not too difficult for us floridians


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me too! I collect, and do all the bagging myself....through all these years, I can bag better and faster than some of their employees.


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I used to do a lot more collecting before I got married, bought a house and sold the boat.
In my FO days I caught and raised all kinds of local critters from octopus to juvenile sting rays. Guess we in FL are the lucky ones when it comes to catching our own. Sure wish the Atlantic angels were more reef friendly. We have a lot of juvenille french and blues around this time of year here.


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Whenever I get the chance, I collect (which is not often). I always try and check the local laws first, though, and call the local department of agriculture or department of natural resources, since wherever I've collected has been an airline destination, and I'd hate to have them take whatever I've collected and throw it out, or leave it to die in the bag.


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You can get some really cool blennies from the rigs offshore here in texas. Damsels too if you want the...:)



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It is not difficult to catch your own fish provided you some expierience snorkling or SCUBA diving, and a little patience. I only collect juviniles and only with aquarium nets. I carry zip lock bags with me under water and a net bag to hold the zip lock bags when full of water. One fish per bag, unless you catch a mated pair, such a butterfly fish. Once on the surface you need some type of large container or live well. The State of Florida requires a live well with pump and also a Salt water fishing license. There are rules and regulations that you must follow as well. Certain fish have minimum and maximum size limits and some are restricted altogether. Avoid slurp-guns at all cost, they kill fish. Over the last 10 years or so I have not lost one fish to net capture. When I tried slurp guns a decade ago about 25% of the fish died in the gun or were dead shortly after and more died in transport to the tank. Avoid slurp guns at all costs. Once you find a fish you want watch it's habits. Does it have a partiular hole that it scurries to for safety? Once you learn it habits, then attempt surround it with two nets, putting one to block it's hole and the other to chase it. It takes some patience, but after awhile it come easy. I find I can catch most fish on the first attempt, which is less stressfull to the fish than spending 30 minuets chasing a fish into exhaustion. If I can't catch the fish in 2 or 3 attempts, I move on. If anyone lives in Fl. and is interested in SCUBA diving for fish, I'm going tomorrow(Saturday) on my boat off of Ft. Lauderdale. The first dive will be on the Mercedes(a 90ft. wreck) and the second dive will be on the reef in about 40ft. My reef tank is maxed out for fish so I'm probably just going to catch lobster for dinner.



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Just an FYI on Florida laws on collection for all you guys who collect off of FL. I got this link off a discussion in DR Rons BB on another site.

Very interesting to read through and see the size limits of different species. Makes you wonder when you walk through your LFS next time.


Might be worth printing out and taking with.

[ August 17, 2001: Message edited by: Modo ]

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