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One of the most frequently asked questions on this board is how to control the unwanted growth of Aiptasia (small infesting sea anemone, Aiptasia pallida and Aiptasia pulchella, which frequently show up as hitchhikers in reef aquaria). So, I thought there might be some general interest in the chemical control method I use (described in detail below), which is fairly easy and quite effective, but which I've never seen described on the board.

I'm normally pretty tolerant of Aiptasia, since I kind of admire their level of biological adaptation and tenacity, and I find that they normally don't get too out of control in a well balanced reef. However, when a couple of them got large recently and started to annoy their other tank mates, it was time to rein in my Aiptasia a bit. The method I have developed is easy, safe when used carefully, and works pretty well.

First, here's a bit of background about what doesn't work for me. The other chemical Aiptasia control methods commonly recommended on this board typically involve using a medical hypodermic needle to inject something -- boiling water, Calcium Hydroxide (Kalkwasser) paste, or concentrated aquarium salt solution -- directly into the gastrovascular cavity of the Aiptasia. However, these methods don't give very good results for me. I've never found a means of keeping the boiling water hot enough until it could be delivered, and my Aiptasia usually decline to pose stock-still and fully expanded while I poke at them with needles -- they usually collapse into themselves, or even withdraw into a hole in the live rock, at the first approach of the needle.

Mechanical means like scrubbing with toothbrushes or burning with soldering torches or irons work somewhat, if you can get the rock or whatever out of the water, and if you can then remember where the Aiptasia are located, but these methods are of no utility in-situ.

Biological controls are also occasionally recommended on this board, and
can sometimes work well -- the nudibranch Berghia verrucicornis, various Butterfly Fish including Chelmon rostratus and Chaetodon kleinii, and the Peppermint Shrimp Rhynchocinetidae sp and Lysmata wurdemanni will all sometimes eat some Aiptasia. The problem with all of these creatures is first obtaining them, and then maintaining them after they have served their purpose. All of these may eat more than just Aiptasia, too, and you may or may not want to keep them in your reef.

In contrast, the BReefCase patented Aiptasia killing method involves chemically burning the Aiptasia both internally and externally through the localized underwater application of concentrated aqueous Sodium Hydroxide solution, NaOH. The advantage of this method is that it's not necessary to actually inject the Aiptasia with the chemical -- just get the end of the applicator tube as close as possible to the Aiptasia or its hole in the rocks, and squirt a little drop of the NaOH into the water above the target. The intense boiling "heat of dilution" of the concentrated solution as it enters the tank water, coupled with the chemical burning action of the highly basic solution, kills the entire Aiptasia quite handily.

To use this Aiptasia control method in your own tank, buy some aqueous 2N ("two Normal") Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) from your local chemical
supply store (or buy it online from Southern Scientific, Science Alliance, Redbird Service, Caledon Labs, or similar mailorder supply). A liter or two should be a lifetime supply for most reef keepers.

By the way, this stuff is highly caustic and will burn you like an Aiptasia, so use common sense and keep it away from skin, eyes, mouth, kids, pets, clothes, carpets, tank stands, neighbors and etc., just as you would any other dangerous household chemical. It looks like water, so always leave it in its original plainly marked safety container. It is harmless to your reef tank once it is fully diluted -- the only caution is that using a lot of it, as when killing lots of Aiptasia, can raise the specific gravity of the tank water just like adding any other concentrated source of Sodium.

To make an applicator for this method, go to the baby supply aisle of your local grocery store and get one of those little plastic syringes used to measure liquid baby medicine. Attach a piece of small-bore rigid airline tubing, long enough to reach all over your tank, to the syringe with a short length of regular flexible airline tubing - it should be an exact fit, but if not you can use some silicone aquarium cement to attach it so long as the joint is water tight. Bend a broad radius 90 degree curve into the last four inches or so of the tube so you can sneak it around rock corners and behind heaters, power heads, or whatever.

Suck up a few milliliters of NaOH into your applicator. Temporarily turn off the pumps, power heads and any other circulation -- I just hit the "feeding button" on my wave maker -- and go kill some Aiptasia. When you squirt a tiny bit of the NaOH into the water next to an Aiptasia, there will be an intense localized chemical reaction that looks like heat waves in the water and immediately forms a white caustic chemical slurry (you'll know it when you see it). This chemical reaction and the resulting slurry will kill the Aiptasia but then quickly dissipate as it gets diluted by tank water.

Keep the slurry from settling for too long on anything you don't want to kill -- I use a little shield, made from a small square of styrene plastic glued to a handle made from another piece of that rigid airline tubing, to control where the slurry settles and to keep it off more valued critters. Stirring it around will break it up and dissipate it. You can also use another syringe loaded with tank water like a little power head to break up the slurry if it settles somewhere unwanted. Make sure to turn the tank circulation back on when you are done, to break up any residual chemical clouds and dilute them harmlessly.

You do need to be a little careful about where this stuff settles out. The last time I used this method, some of the slurry drifted onto one of my mushroom corals and I failed to notice for about a minute until the pumps came back on. The mushroom disappeared and I thought I had killed it for sure, but after it had sulked for a couple of days it reappeared and then was as good as new. But, exercise due care.

The Aiptasia killing power of this method exploits natural Aiptasia physiology. The mouth of an Aiptasia is an elongated slit in the center
of the anomone's oral disk, expanded a little at each end. These expansions are the top ends of vertical, ciliated grooves called siphonoglyphs. The cilia of the siphonoglyphs generate a constant flow of water into the gastrovascular or body cavity of the anemone, even when the center opening of the Aiptasia's mouth is closed. The mouth opens into a short, flattened tube, called the pharynx. The siphonoglyphs are at opposite edges of the flattened pharynx, which in turn opens directly into the gastrovascular cavity of the anemone. The Aiptasia can't stop this flow.

So, the upshot of all this Aiptasia anatomy lesson is that the pesky little Aiptasia is ultimately going to ingest the caustic NaOH slurry we've placed on it, whether it wants to or not. This will usually kill the entire Aiptasia, including the tough pedal disk and any residual cells of the incipient pedal lacerete (the means by which Aiptasia reproduce asexually and spread). Failure to kill all parts of the organism is one reason that Aiptasia normally grow back after being treated by the other common chemical control methods used in reefkeeping.

Even with this NaOH method, which is the most effective method I've tried, about ten percent of treated Aiptasia will survive (tough little buggers!). So, for total control be sure to recheck your results after about two days, and re-treat any stubborn or well-protected or hidden Aiptasia that escaped or survived the initial treatment.

Remember that the key to the killing power of this method is getting the slurry to settle on the Aiptasia or its hole and STAY there for at least several seconds - the longer the better. If the exposure is too short, this method will not work any better than the other chemical control methods.

In tough cases you can use 3N (three Normal) NaOH, but if you do, be VERY careful where the excess 3N NaOH slurry drifts or you'll kill a lot of other things in the tank along with the Aiptasia. Be careful that using too much 3N NaOH in a small tank doesn't raise your pH suddenly just like dripping too much Kalk.

By the way, Sodium Hydroxide is also commonly available commercially as industrial drain cleaner, and is the main ingredient in household chemical drain openers like Liquid Plumber and Drain-o. This might be OK if you are lucky, but in genral you should avoid the temptation to buy your NaOH this way.

The stuff made to pour down plugged drains and into clogged toilets is way too concentrated to be used safely by hand, and can contain thickeners and other chemical agents not necessarily listed on the label, including such things as Copper Sulfate. As all reefkeepers should know, any source of ionic Copper is deadly to most marine invertebrates, and must absolutely be avoided. Buy your NaOH only as the pure certified material from a chemical supply house that will guarantee its purity and quality.


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Once again, more valuable info from BReefCase. Thanks!

One question- have you had any problems where the Aiptasia sp. was not killed quickly enough to prevent disintegrating portions of the anemone from settling elsewhere, and thereby spreading the plague?


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This man deserves a medal.

You are a gentleman and a scholar and we salute you.

Keep up the good work.


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Interesting control method. I may have to try it sometime.

FWIW, if you have a small tank, be VERY careful not to nuke too many Aiptasia sp. at one time with this method. Adding too much NaOH will increase your system pH eventually and that little "snow storm" you're seeing is a localized spot in the water column where you're precipitationg CaCO3 out of solution. Thus overdosing with this method has the following drawbacks:

1) spike your pH
2) precipitate out CaCO3 thereby decreasing both your calcium and alkalinity

I would recommend that if you use this method to definitely use a pH meter (PinPoint, Neptune, etc) so that you know how your system pH is being affected.

Overall it seems like a very interesting control method. I will definitely be trying it on some of my larger Aiptasia sp. that aren't responding to my Kalkwasser paste injections.



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Chucker - Not a problem. Failing to kill the pedal base of the organism can allow it to grow back, but won't make it spread MORE.

LiquidShane - While I haven't sampled and tested the contents of the white cloudy slurry, I would expect it to contain a lot more Sodium Carbonate than Calcium Carbonate. This is borne out by the observation that the slurry is soluble and eventually goes almost totally into solution. If it contained significant quantities of Calcium Carbonate, I'd expect a permanent white precipitate to be left behind. There is undoubtedly some co-precipitation of Calcium Carbonate, but I'd expect that effect to be small. I've never noticed measurable Calcium depletion in a tank after this Aiptasia treatment. In killing two dozen Aiptasia with 25 ml of 2N NaOH in a 72 gallon tank, my Pinpoint pH monitor showed no change, and Calcium and Alk were not measurably affected. There was a subsequent small, temporary spike in skimmate production from the protein skimmer, no doubt due to all the dead Aiptasia tissue left behind.

Nori - Oh yeah. This stuff will kill pretty much ANYTHING in the reef tank with which it comes into extended contact.


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For those of us who have tried the injection methods and have extra syringes laying around, could NaOH injection be an effective delivery method?



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Very interesting. Thanks BReefCase!

Have you experimented with NaOH on other "undesirables", such as Valonia; Anenomia mojado; and the like?


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Anemone -- Yes, NaOH injection will be very effective, provided you can get the Aiptasia to stand still for the needle. (I seldom can.) I'd also cover the outside of the pedal disk with the NaOH slurry, to kill any miniature baby Aiptasia that have already pinched off from the base.

FishDaddy -- I've used the NaOH to control all kinds of unwanted "animal" life, but I've never tried it on undesirable plants or algaes like Valonia. Might make an interesting experiment. If you give it a try, let us know how it works out. (If the target algae is too widespread over the tank, don't use too much NaOH at once or you might spike your pH and salinity.)


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I think this is quite similar to using kalk. Both have a very high pH and burn the little buggers. Your suggestions is better in the sense that the paste remains viable for longer in the tank and so should be more effective.

I've never found it necessary to inject the aptasia - that is basically impossible. Just apply a genorous portion of magic formula X in the general vacinity of the aptasia.

It's worth mentioning that you can easily blind yourself with splash from a strong solution (paste) of sodium hydroxide. Safety glasses are a must. There are other risks too e.g. the large amount of heat generated when mixing sodium hydroxide crystals with water, the choking fumes etc.


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I have a couple of aptasia that need attention at the moment. I've been waiting on some titanium bicycle spokes (grounding probes) to arrive before I spend any more time on wet type tank duties. I'm hoping these will be in my mail box right now

In the garden shed I have a container with 25kg of pearl caustic soda just waiting to be used for something (I use a tiny portion once a month to recharge my DI filter).

I'll definetly give this a try - nothing to lose after all.


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Nori -- I've never had a problem buying 2N NaOH on-line. Try http://www.sciencealliance.com or http://www.redbirdservice.com.

If the chemical company wants to ship only to a business address, I usually call myself "(Myname)'s Water Testing Service" or "(Myname)'s Aquarium Service," which considering the cost of this hobby, is close enough to being the truth as to make no difference.

The Science Alliance is an especially good source, as they cater to home-schoolers and so will sell most high-school lab type chemicals that have obvious non-nefarious uses to private individuals. The worst you may encounter is a "poison pack" shipping charge, for chemicals considered too hazardous to ship without precautions.


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By the way, 2N (two Normal) aqueous NaOH solution as purchased from a chemical supply company is already a liquid -- the chemical house does the dangerous job of dissolving NaOH crystals in water for you.

With the NaOH method, it is certainly the extended external contact time, plus the fact that the NaOH slurry stays around long enough that the Aiptasia end up ingesting it internally also, that makes NaOH superior to Kalk paste for killing Aiptasia.

Other methods often don't kill the whole pedal base, which is why the Aiptasia so often grows back after other chemical treatments. (Of course, this can happen with NaOH too, if you don't achieve sufficient coverage and contact time.)

NaOH should DEFINATELY be kept out of eyes, off skin, etc., as it will burn you. Rubber gloves and safety glasses while using it are indeed a good idea, especially the kind of glasses with the little side shields that keep splashes out.


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should i get the %50, %30 or %04 solution from Science Alliance?


randy holmes-farley

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Arlington, MA
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A few comments on the chemistry involved:

1. The precipitate is very likely magnesium hydroxide, which will redissolve in tank water.

2. More concerning to me than the potential to raise the sodium concentration (which IMO is a nonissue) is the liklihood of spiking both the pH and the alkalinity.

Shane compared this addition to the addition of limewater. I agree, and will point out that 2 N NaOH is 50 times more potent in terms of it's effect on pH and alkalinity. If you don't use much (a few drops), this isn't likely to be an issue, but IMO people should monitor the pH of the tank overall when going about a large killing spree of this type.

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